Posted Date:July 16, 2009
Author: William Leith, Service Director, Program Management, Federal Student Aid
Subject: 2008-2009 Campus-Based Reallocation Form and Process
Now that the 2008-2009 Award Year has closed, we are requesting that each school carefully examine its final expenditures under the Federal Work-Study (FWS) and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) programs to determine whether the school will have any unexpended funds from its 2008-2009 allocations. Timely reporting by a school, using the process explained below, of any unexpended 2008-2009 funds will allow us to provide supplemental FWS and/or FSEOG funds to eligible schools to assist needy students for the 2009-2010 Award Year. When a school fails to perform the important administrative activity of releasing unexpended FWS and/or FSEOG funds in a timely manner, those unexpended funds are not available to assist needy students.
The 2008-2009 Campus-Based Reallocation Form (ED Form E40-4P) has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). This form will be available for electronic completion and submission on the eCampus-Based (eCB) Web site at in late July 2009. As we announced in the “Notice of the 2009-2010 Award Year Deadline Dates for the Campus-Based Programs,” published in the Federal Register on March 17, 2009 (74 FR 11362), the deadline date by which a school must electronically submit the 2008-2009 Campus-Based Reallocation Form is Friday, August 21, 2009.
Section A of the 2008-2009 Campus-Based Reallocation Form must be completed to release unexpended portions of a school’s 2008-2009 allocations in the FWS and/or FSEOG programs. The school should not complete Section B of the 2008-2009 Campus-Based Reallocation Form that normally allows a school to request supplemental FWS funds. As discussed below, the reallocation process will be different for awarding supplemental FWS and FSEOG funds for the 2009-2010 Award Year.
In Dear Colleague Letter CB-09-03, we described the revised process for the reallocation of unspent 2008-2009 FWS and FSEOG funds as a result of the Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2009 (Pub. L. 110-329). The information needed to identify those qualifying institutions has already been collected. Therefore, we will not be accepting information for Section B of the 2008-2009 Campus-Based Reallocation Form.
The questions and answers that follow will assist schools in completing the 2008-2009 Campus-Based Reallocation Form. In addition, a school may use the attached “Campus-Based Reallocation Form Worksheet” and “Campus-Based Reallocation Form Instructions” to assist in completing its electronic submission.
Note: FWS federal funds released by a school on the 2008-2009 Campus-Based Reallocation Form by the August 21, 2009 deadline date will not be included in the calculation of the school’s required minimum seven percent community service expenditure (see Q&A 4 below).
Q1: Under what circumstances does a school need to complete the Campus-Based Reallocation Form?
A1: A school must complete the Campus-Based Reallocation Form if it will not spend its entire 2008-2009 FWS or FSEOG allocation.
Q2: What is the consequence of not submitting the Campus-Based Reallocation Form?
A2: Without the information collected on the Campus-Based Reallocation Form, we would be unable to reallocate unexpended campus-based funds from the 2008-2009 Award Year as supplemental allocations for the 2009-2010 Award Year to qualifying schools. Since we have authority to reallocate 2008-2009 funds only until September 30, 2009, we cannot wait until we have schools’ expenditure data from the 2008-2009 Fiscal Operations Report and 2010-2011 Application to Participate (FISAP) due October 1, 2009. It is important that schools release unexpended campus-based funds now so they can be used to fund needy students for the 2009-2010 Award Year. Unexpended 2008-2009 funds not released on the Campus-Based Reallocation Form by the deadline date will not be available to assist needy students.
Q3: If a school releases 2008-2009 unexpended allocations, will it still be subject to underuse penalties for the amounts that are released?
A3: Yes, underuse penalties will still apply. This is because these funds should not have been requested by the school if they could not be used and other schools and their needy students did not have access to these excess funds for the 2008-2009 Award Year.
Q4: Are the FWS federal funds released by a school used to calculate its required minimum seven percent community service expenditure?
A4: No, theFWS federal funds released by a school on the 2008-2009 Campus-Based Reallocation Form by the deadline date will not be included in the calculation of its required minimum seven percent community service expenditure for the 2008-2009 Award Year. If a school determines at the end of the 2008-2009 Award Year that it did not spend at least seven percent of its 2008-2009 FWS allocation as the federal share of compensation for FWS students employed in community service activities, a portion of its FWS federal allocation must be released during the reallocation process so that the amount expended for community service activities equals at least seven percent of the adjusted FWS federal allocation. A school that performs this action will not be considered to have failed the FWS minimum seven percent community service requirement.
Q5: How does a school access the Campus-Based Reallocation Form on the eCB Web site?
A5: To access the Campus-Based Reallocation Form, log in to the eCB Web site and select the “Setup” link on the top navigation bar. Select the “Reallocation Form” link on the top right side of this page. From that point, follow the instructions for completing the form.
Q6: Where can a school find instructions for completing the Campus-Based Reallocation Form?
A6: Instructions for the Campus-Based Reallocation Form are attached to this announcement and may also be accessed on the eCB Web site.
To access the instructions on the eCB Web site, log in to the site and select the “Help” link on the top navigation bar. Select “Contents” on the left side of this page, select “Setup,” and then, select “Setup-Reallocation Form” to view the instructions.Q7: How does a school submit the Campus-Based Reallocation Form, and how will a school be assured that the Department has received the form?
A7: As explained above, the Campus-Based Reallocation Form must be submitted electronically via the eCB Web site. After completing the Campus-Based Reallocation Form, click the “Submit” button to submit the form to us.
To verify submission, log in to the eCB Web site, select the “Self-Service” link on the top navigation bar, and scroll to the “Acknowledgements” section. Then, select “Submission Log” to view the log and verify the Campus-Based Reallocation Form submission.Q8: For 2008-2009 you have instructed that schools complete only Section A of the form. What happens if Section B is also completed?
A8: Information provided in Section B will be ignored for the purpose of requesting supplemental FWS funds for the 2009-2010 Award Year.
Q9: By what time on August 21, 2009 is the Campus-Based Reallocation Form due?
A9: The deadline for electronic submission of the Campus-Based Reallocation Form is 11:59 P.M. (ET). Transmissions must be completed and accepted by 12:00 midnight.
Contact Information
For additional information about the Campus-Based Reallocation Form or process, contact the Campus-Based Call Center at 877/801-7168. Customer service representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M. (ET). You may also e-mail