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(Application Processing) Subject: May 17, 2009 Implementation of New Login Process for the FAA Access to CPS Online and SAIG Enrollment Web Sites

Posted Date: May 13, 2009

Author: William Leith, Service Director, Program Management, Federal Student Aid

Subject: May 17, 2009 Implementation of New Login Process for the FAA Access to CPS Online and SAIG Enrollment Web Sites

On May 17, 2009, Federal Student Aid will implement the new login process for the FAA Access to CPS Online and Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) Enrollment Web sites. As we first informed you in an electronic announcement posted to the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site on March 3, 2009, users will no longer need to provide personally identifiable information to log in to these Web sites. Instead, a Federal Student Aid User ID (FSA User ID) and password will be used to authenticate a user's identity and to log in to both Web sites. The FSA User ID and password will replace identifiers that are currently used to log in, such as Social Security Number (SSN) and date of birth (DOB).

If You Have Not Registered for an FSA User ID

If you have not yet registered for an FSA User ID, follow the instructions in the electronic announcement posted on April 6, 2009 to the IFAP Web site to avoid losing access to these two Web sites.

You may also go directly to the registration page at,
provide identifying information, and follow the remaining registration steps.

New URL for FAA Access to CPS Online

The Web address (or URL) for FAA Access to CPS Online will also change on May 17, 2009. The new URL is While we encourage all users to utilize the new URL, the impact of this change will be minimal as the current URL will continue to function for an indefinite period of time.

Contact Information

If you have questions or need assistance with the FSA User ID registration process, contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 800/330-5947 (TDD/TTY 800/511-5806) or by e-mail at