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(Campus-Based) Subject: Participation in the Work Colleges Program

Posted Date:February 04, 2009

Author: William Leith, Service Director, Program Management, Federal Student Aid

Subject: Participation in the Work Colleges Program

This announcement provides information necessary to apply for participation in the Work Colleges Program for the 2009-2010 Award Year. In order for a school to participate in this program, the school must comply with all provisions of Section 448 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), and the applicable program regulations.

A School must apply electronically via the eCampus-Based (eCB) Web site and submit a printout of that application, signed by the authorized official of the school to the Department of Education (the Department). In addition, a participating school must follow a similar process when it submits its expenditure report for the 2008-2009 Award Year in October 2009. The questions and answers that follow explain the process for both the Work Colleges application and agreement form and the expenditure report.


Q1: How does a school apply for participation in the Work Colleges Program for the 2009-2010 Award Year?

A1: A school must submit a completed "Institutional Application and Agreement for Participation in the Work Colleges Program" for the 2009-2010 Award Year to the Department electronically via the eCB Web site. To access the application, log in to the eCBWeb site, click on "Setup" at the top right side of the screen, and then click on "Work Colleges Application".

Note: Instructions for completing the "Institutional Application and Agreement for Participation in the Work Colleges Program" are attached to this announcement in the document entitled "2009-2010 Work Colleges Application Instructions."

In addition to electronically submitting its application and agreement, a school must mail or hand deliver to the Department a printed copy of that application and agreement, signed by the authorized school official. The school will be able to simply print the application and agreement it completes on the eCB Web site. To print the application and agreement, click on "Print Friendly Version" on the right side of the screen and then "File" and "Print" on the top menu bar. The signed printed copy of the application and agreement must be mailed to:

United States Department of Education
Federal Student Aid
Grants & Campus-Based Division
Work Colleges Program
830 First Street, NE, Room 62E3
Washington, DC 20202-5453

If hand delivered, use the address provided above except use 20002 as the zip code.

Q2: What is the deadline by which a school must submit an application and agreement to the Department?

A2: The deadline for submitting a school's application and agreement electronically and sending the signed printed copy to the Department is Friday, March 13, 2009.

Electronic Submission: The deadline for electronic submission of the application and agreement is 11:59 P.M. (ET) on March 13, 2009. Transmissions must be completed and accepted by 12:00 midnight.

Signed Printed Copy: If the signed printed copy of the application and agreement is sent through the U.S. Postal Service, it must be postmarked by March 13, 2009. If the signed printed copy of the application and agreement is hand delivered, it must be delivered to the address provided in Q&A #1 by 4:30 P.M. (ET) on March 13, 2009.

Q3: What happens if a school is late in submitting an application and agreement to the Department?

A3: An application and agreement that is electronically submitted or the signed printed copy that is postmarked or received (as explained in Q&A #2) after March 13, 2009 will not be considered for funding.

Q4: How will a school know if its application and agreement has been approved?

A4: If a school's application and agreement is approved, we will notify the school via e-mail by May 16, 2009. We will send this e-mail to the school's Financial Aid Administrator, as provided in the school's most recently submitted Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate (FISAP) or as updated via the "Contact Info" page on the eCB Web site. In this e-mail, we will inform the school that its 2009-2010 Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program award increase is reflected in the Statement of Account posted on the eCB Web site.

To access the Statement of Account following receipt of this e-mail, log in to the eCB Web site, select the "Self-Service" link from the top navigation bar, and scroll to the "Campus-Based Notifications for All Available Award Years" section. Then, scroll to the "Statement of Account" bullet and select the "2009-2010" link next to it.

Q5: How does a school report Work Colleges Program expenditures for the 2008-2009 Award Year to the Department?

A5: A school must report its Work Colleges Program expenditures for the 2008-2009 Award Year to the Department through electronic submission of the "Work Colleges Program Expenditure Report" for the 2008-2009 Award Year via the eCB Web site. To access the expenditure report, log in to the eCB Web site, click on "Setup" at the top right side of the screen, and then click on "Work Colleges Report".

Note: Instructions for completing the "2008-2009 Work Colleges Program Expenditure Report" are attached to this announcement in the document entitled "2009-2010 Work Colleges Expenditure Report Instructions."

In addition to electronically submitting its expenditure report, a school must submit to the Department a printed copy of that report, signed by the authorized school official. The school will be able to simply print the expenditure report it completes on the eCB Web site. To print the expenditure report, click on "Print Friendly Version" on the right side of the screen and then "File" and "Print" on the top menu bar. The signed expenditure report must be mailed or hand delivered to the Work Colleges Program at the address provided in Q&A #1.

For schools participating in the Work Colleges Program for the 2008-2009 Award Year, the deadline for submitting the expenditure report for that year electronically and the signed printed copy to the Department is Thursday, October 1, 2009.

Electronic Submission: The deadline for electronic submission of the expenditure report is 11:59 P.M. (ET) on October 1, 2009. Transmissions must be completed and accepted by 12:00 midnight.

Signed Printed Copy: If the signed printed copy of the expenditure report is sent through the U.S. Postal Service, it must be postmarked by October 1, 2009. If the signed printed copy of the expenditure report is hand delivered, it must be delivered to the address provided in Q&A #1 by 4:30 P.M. (ET) on October 1, 2009.

Contact Information

For additional information about the Work Colleges application and agreement process, contact the Campus-Based Call Center at 877/801-7168. Customer service representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M. (ET). You may also e-mail