Posted Date:December 15, 2008
Author: William Leith, Service Director, Program Management, Federal Student Aid
Subject: Deadline Extended-- Active Confirmation Required By January 7, 2009 For TG Numbers and FAA Access to CPS Online Users
As we informed you in an October 17, 2008 Electronic Announcement on the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site, we have implemented a process by which every organization enrolled in the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) must review its assigned TG numbers and FAA Access to CPS Online users. After conducting this review, each organization must provide active confirmation that staff with TG numbers, as well as those with access to the FAA Access to CPS Online Web site, still need that access.
Deadline Extended
Many organizations have conducted this review and validation. However, a large number of TG numbers and FAA Access to CPS Online users still need to be validated. To assist you in completing this important process, we are extending the deadline to January 7, 2009. Failure to complete this process may result in loss of access to Federal Student Aid data systems.
We recently sent two reports through the SAIG to assist you with this process. We placed a Destination Point Administrator (DPA) Roster in all “Primary” TG Number mailboxes. A Financial Aid Administrator (FAA) Roster was also placed in the mailboxes of Primary TG Numbers of organizations that are enrolled for FAA Access to CPS Online. To determine your Primary TG Number, log in to the “Review Your Organization’s Mailboxes” feature on the SAIG Enrollment Web site (
Information is provided in the October 17, 2008 Electronic Announcement on the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site, regarding use of these two reports and how to validate or delete TG numbers and FAA Users.
If You Have Questions
Thank you for taking the time to ensure the security of Federal Student Aid data systems. If you have questions, contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 800/330-5947 (TDD/TTY 800/511-5806) or by e-mail at