Publication Date: August 29, 2008 Author: Lawrence A. Warder, Acting Chief Operating Officer, Federal Student Aid Summary: Hurricane Assistance Posted on 08-29-2008 The Department is monitoring the forecasts for Hurricanes Gustav and Hanna in the southeastern portion of the United States and will implement appropriate action as necessary to assist schools and students impacted by these storms. A special website has been established at to provide timely guidance and contact information for students, schools and others in the higher education community impacted by these storms. Please check it regularly for updated information. In an effort to maintain open lines of communication, the Department is encouraging all potentially impacted institutions of higher education to provide alternate contact information at the site above or with your Department of Education regional case team representative. For hurricane-affected schools in Louisiana and Texas, please contact: Jackie Shipman For hurricane-affected schools in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina or South Carolina, please contact: Laura Hall While we certainly hope that this information will be unnecessary, we want to be prepared to help those that may need assistance as quickly as possible.