Publication Date: July 24, 2008 Author: Victoria Edwards, Chief Compliance Officer, Program Compliance Office Summary: Coming Soon - The Integrated Partner Management System Posted on 07-24-2008 At the end of this year, Federal Student Aid will be implementing the Integrated Partner Management (IPM) solution. This solution will replace current electronic Application (eAPP), eZ-Audit, and Lender Application (LAP) features and will modernize the way Partners (such as Institutions, Lenders, and Guaranty Agencies) submit their eligibility application to participate in Title IV funding, maintain this eligibility, enroll for services and submit their Financial Statements and Compliance Audit data. The main benefits of the IPM solution include a consistent user interface with additional help features, easier navigation through Application and Submission questions, and a single entry point for signing up for the services provided by Federal Student Aid. The IPM solution will also provide increased Partner security using a unique entity identifier (Routing Identifier or RID), and focuses on proactive communications with each Partner, notifying in advance of when submissions or information is due to Federal Student Aid. In addition, information between Partners and Federal Student Aid will be electronic to IPM, thus reducing the risk of lost paper applications or documents. Additional details about each of these new features will be forthcoming in future announcements including important cutover information from the current legacy systems to IPM. |