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Summary: TG Number Format Changes

Publication Date: August 23, 2007

Author: William Leith, Acting General Manager, Application, Operations and Delivery Services, Federal Student Aid

Summary: TG Number Format Changes

Posted on 08-23-2007

Federal Student Aid would like to inform the financial aid community of an upcoming change to the format of TG numbers. A TG number is the identifier for an electronic mailbox on the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG). Currently, TG numbers are assigned to SAIG users in the TGxxxxx format, where “xxxxx” represents five numbers, such as TG50001. Using the current format, we expect to assign the last available all-numeric TG number by the end of 2007.

When there are no more all-numeric TG numbers to issue to new SAIG users, new TG numbers will be assigned in the format TGAxxxx, where “A” represents a letter from A-Z in upper case and “xxxx” represents four numbers, such as TGA0001.

This format change will have no impact on current SAIG users who have TG numbers in the all-numeric format. How the format change will affect recipients of new TG numbers is described below.

EDExpress and EDconnect Software Users

If you use software provided by Federal Student Aid, there will be no impact. Federal Student Aid’s data transmission software, EDconnect and TDClient, will not be affected by this change, and a service release of EDExpress 2007-2008 will update EDExpress to accommodate the new TG number format.

Other Federal Student Aid Software Users

Institutions that use products other than EDExpress to process federal student aid data should contact their software provider to confirm that this change will not impact those products, or that updates will be provided to allow for the products to function properly with the new format. Organizations that create their own custom software for processing federal student aid data should ensure that the new TG number format will be accommodated.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about the information contained in this document, contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 800/330-5947 (TDD/TTY 800/511-5806), or by e-mail at