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Summary: Recertification Reminder Notices to be Sent Electronically Starting March 2007

Publication Date: March 2, 2007

Author: Victoria Edwards, Chief Compliance Officer, Program Compliance Office

Summary: Recertification Reminder Notices to be Sent Electronically Starting March 2007

Posted on 03-02-2007

Recertification reminder notices informing you of when your institution's Program Participation Agreement (PPA) is scheduled to expire will now be sent via e-mail to the institution's president and financial aid administrator beginning in early March 2007. The notice identifies when your PPA will expire and advises you that in order to maintain your eligibility to participate in Title IV programs past the expiration date of your current PPA, you must submit a Recertification Application no later than 90 days prior to the PPA expiration date.

To ensure proper delivery, we suggest that you go to and verify the accuracy of the e-mail addresses on file with the Department. Instructions for verifying and updating your e-mail address are attached.

If you have any questions please email
