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Summary: HERA Operational Implementation Guidance (CPS, COD System, EDExpress Suite) - Issue Alert: Two EDExpress 2006-2007, Release 3.0 Software Issues Impacting Direct PLUS Loans for Graduate or Professional Students Identified for Resolution in Releas

Publication Date: October 26, 2006

Author: G. Kay Jacks, General Manager, Application, Operations and Delivery Services, Federal Student Aid

Summary: HERA Operational Implementation Guidance (CPS, COD System, EDExpress Suite) – Issue Alert: Two EDExpress 2006-2007, Release 3.0 Software Issues Impacting Direct PLUS Loans for Graduate or Professional Students Identified for Resolution in Release 4.0

Posted on 10-26-2006

Federal Student Aid is alerting all users of the EDExpress for Windows 2006-2007, Release 3.0 software of two Direct Loan module issues we have identified, both of which will be resolved in Release 4.0 (available December 2006).

These two issues affect functionality added or enhanced in EDExpress 2006-2007, Release 3.0 to enable processing of the Federal Direct PLUS Loan for Graduate or Professional Students, or “Grad PLUS” loan, as it is referred to in the EDExpress software.

If you do not currently use EDExpress 2006-2007, Release 3.0 or process Grad PLUS loans for your students, the two software issues described in this message will not impact you.

Issue #1 –Grad PLUS Records Skipped During Credit Decision Override Response Import

In EDExpress 2006-2007, Release 3.0, Grad PLUS loan records are skipped and not updated when you import a Credit Decision Override Response (message class CRCO07OP) sent by the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) System. Credit Decision Override Response files, which are system-generated by the COD System, update the Credit Decision on a PLUS or Grad PLUS origination record based upon new credit information on the borrower or a credit decision on the endorser.

This issue is occurring in EDExpress because the software’s import logic for Credit Decision Override Response files is checking for a Loan Type of “P” (PLUS) when matching the data in the file to the corresponding loan record in the EDExpress database. EDExpress was updated in Release 3.0 to assign a Loan Type of “G” for Grad PLUS loans in the EDExpress database. The “G” Loan Type is only used by the EDExpress software and is not submitted to the COD System or used in Grad PLUS Loan IDs.

Note: The Credit Decision field for Grad PLUS origination records is updated correctly in EDExpress during the import of the COD Common Record Response (CRAA07OP), which contains the original credit decision for the borrower.


There is no current workaround for this issue within the EDExpress 2006-2007, Release 3.0 software. The only method of updating the EDExpress Grad PLUS record with the correct Credit Decision based on the data in a Credit Decision Override Response file, which is displayed on the Credit Info tab of the Direct Loan Origination tab, is to request a Rebuild file for the record from the COD System. To request a Direct Loan Rebuild file, contact the COD School Relations Center at 800/848-0978.

Release 4.0 will add the “G” Loan Type to the EDExpress import logic for the Credit Decision Override Response files, which will allow the import to update the corresponding Grad PLUS loan records in your database with the Credit Decision sent by the COD System.

Issue #2 – Grad PLUS Master Promissory Note (MPN) Fields on Origination Record Set Incorrectly When Printing Grad PLUS MPN Prior to Originating Loan

In EDExpress 2006-2007, Release 3.0, we have discovered that MPN fields on the Direct Loan Origination tab are not resetting properly for Grad PLUS loans if you print a Grad PLUS MPN and enter a Signed MPN Received date on the tab prior to originating the loan.

You will only encounter this issue in Release 3.0 if you have followed the series of steps noted below:

1) You added a Grad PLUS loan origination record on the Direct Loan Origination tab, completed the Borrower Loan Information section, and saved the record.
2) You then printed the Grad PLUS MPN for the record, which set the MPN Status to P (Printed).
3) You entered a date in the Signed MPN Received field and saved the record, which set the MPN Status to S (Signed and Returned).
4) Finally, you originated the record by selecting Process, Originate. The software displayed end-of-entry edit 1085 (“MPN Status must be Signed, Manifested, Pending or Accepted when Signed MPN Received date is non-blank”).

At this point, when you click OK for the edit 1085 message, the software displays a message that the loan is originated. EDExpress then updates the MPN Status to R (Ready to Print), but does NOT clear the Signed MPN Received date you entered in step #3.

Because you cannot change the MPN Status manually from R to S following the steps above, your Grad PLUS loan record will not correctly reflect the MPN printing or additional MPN processing you have completed.

This issue will only occur if you print Grad PLUS MPNs onsite (as opposed to requesting that COD print the MPN for your loan records).


To resolve this issue in Release 3.0, print the Grad PLUS MPN again for the loan record. This action will reset the MPN Status to P and clear the Signed MPN Received date field. You can then re-enter the date in the Signed MPN Received field and save the record, which will change the MPN Status to S.

Release 4.0 will allow you to print the MPN before or after originating a PLUS or Grad PLUS loan without adversely impacting the MPN Status or Signed MPN Received fields.

If You Have Questions

We regret any inconvenience these issues may have caused you.

If you have any questions regarding this message, contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 800/330-5947 (TDD/TTY 800/511-5806) or by e-mail at

If you have any questions regarding requesting a Rebuild file, contact the COD School Relations Center at 800/848-0978. You may also e-mail

For other questions about the HERA, contact Federal Student Aid’s Research and Customer Care Center (RCCC) at 800/433-7327, 202/275-5532 (fax), or by e-mail at