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Summary: Updating School Contact Information in the COD System

Publication Date: October 4, 2006

Author: G. Kay Jacks, General Manager, Application, Operations and Delivery Services, Federal Student Aid

Summary: Updating School Contact Information in the COD System

Posted on 10-04-2006

We would like to remind all schools and third party servicers that contact information in the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) System must be kept current. Contact information, especially e-mail addresses, is extremely important for the COD School Relations Center. The e-mail address for the Financial Aid Administrator is used to deliver time-sensitive materials and critical COD processing information to the school. For Direct Loan schools, correct mailing addresses ensure Direct Loan closeout letters are delivered timely and to the correct place. Please ensure this contact information is updated as needed.

Depending on the type of information to be updated, a school must submit updates in one of the following two ways:

1. In accordance with 34 CFR 600.21, most changes must be reported using the Electronic Application for Approval to Participate in Federal Student Financial Aid Programs (E-App). This includes changes to:

a. School name;

b. School address (including any branches and locations);

c. Names of the President (or equivalent title), Chief Financial Officer (or equivalent title), and Financial Aid Administrator (or equivalent title); and

d. Telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for the above officials.

Once the E-App is processed, the COD Web site is updated within 24 hours. It may take longer if there is additional information required by the School Participation Team (formerly known as Case Management and Oversight Division).

2. Two specific changes can only be made via the COD Web site. These are changes to the Direct Loan Officer contact information/mailing address and the Pell Grant Officer contact information/mailing address. To view and/or update the current contact information for these officers:

a. Log in to the COD Web site.

b. From the School tab, select the "Financial Aid Contact" link (located under the School Information menu). The School Financial Aid Contact Information screen displays the current information for the school.

c. Update or add new contact information by clicking on the "Update" or "Add New" button in the heading for the officer to be updated.

d. Complete the new information and submit the changes.

This information will be processed and updated immediately on the COD Web site.

We appreciate your cooperation in keeping your school's information up to date. If you have any questions about updating your school's contact information, or need assistance, contact the COD School Relations Center at 800/4PGRANT (800/474-7268) for ACG, National SMART Grant, and Pell Grant or 800/848-0978 for Direct Loan. You may also e-mail