Publication Date: September 7, 2006 Author: G. Kay Jacks, General Manager, Application, Operations and Delivery Services, Federal Student Aid Summary: 2006-2007 COD Technical Reference September 2006 Updates Now Available Posted on 09-07-2006 We are pleased to announce the posting of the 2006-2007 Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) Technical Reference September 2006 Updates. The 2006-2007 COD Technical Reference contains development information for the 2006-2007 Award Year. For a complete list of updates, refer to the "0607 COD Technical Reference September 2006 Change Tracking Log." Notes: 1) These updates include additional updates related to the Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2005 (the HERA), Pub. L. 109-171. 2) Volume II, Section 3, "Common Record Layout," reflects the correct "Data Type" for Field 81, <EligibilityPaymentReasonCode>, of the COD Common Record. This field provides the reason why a student is eligible to receive an Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) award. Field 81 is a two-character string value that requires 01, 02, or 03 for acceptance of the record by the COD System. 3) As noted in Volume II, Section 3, "Common Record Layout," the order of the Financial Award Number and Financial Award ID tags in the COD Common Record Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema Version 2.0e is different for ACG and National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (National SMART Grant) awards than it is for Direct Loan awards. However, this is not an issue that affects the coding of software. We will conform the order of these tags in the COD Common Record schema the next time change to the schema is required. In the meantime, the following apply:
If you have any questions about this material, contact the COD School Relations Center at 800/4PGRANT for ACG, National SMART Grant, and Pell Grant or 800/848-0978 for Direct Loan. You may also e mail |