Maintained for Historical Purposes

This resource is being maintained for historical purposes only and is not currently applicable.

Summary: Upcoming SAIG Message Class Update

Publication Date: August 28, 2006

Author: G. Kay Jacks, General Manager, Application, Operations and Delivery Services, Federal Student Aid

Summary: Upcoming SAIG Message Class Update

Posted on 08-28-2006

On August 31, 2006 the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) will send out the message class "MESSAGTB" to all users. EDconnect will automatically request, download, and import this new message class table with your next connection to the SAIG network. Once the MESSAGTB file has been imported; the new message class table will be used from that point forward.

The new message class table will add the 2006-2007 CPS message class IATX07OP. This message class was available in 2005-2006 but was inadvertently not included initially for 2006-2007. The message class will be used for files generated by the export feature in the ISIR Analysis Tool section of FAA Access to CPS Online. The ISIR Analysis Tool's Export process generates a full listing of all student records available in a school's database in a flat file format. The flat file report is transmitted to the school's Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) mailbox for downloading, viewing, and printing. For those of you requesting this report, the message class table update will now allow you to retrieve this message class.

Other additions to the message class table include the Central Processing System (CPS) 2007-2008 message classes. These message classes are being added early for application system testing only. If you use the 2007-2008 message classes prior to January 1, 2007, they will NOT be processed. Additional information about each message class will be included in the version of the 2007-2008 EDE Technical Reference Guide that will be posted in fall 2006.

The following CPS message classes have been added:

Message Class Description
EAPS08INInitial Applications
SIGS08INSignature Batches
EAPR08OPErrors - Applications
CORE08OPErrors - Corrections
SIGA08OPErrors - Signatures
ISRF08OPISIR Data - Requested
IDAP08OPISIR Data - Daily Applications
IDSA08OPISIR Data - Daily Automatic
IDRE08OPISIR Data - Daily State Resident
IDNR08OPISIR Data - Daily State Non-Resident
IGCO08OPISIR Data - CPS Corrections
IGSA08OPISIR Data - CPS Pushed Automatic
IGAA08OPISIR Data - CPS Pushed ACG Data Only Correction
IGSG08OPISIR Data - CPS Pushed System Generated
IGRE08OPISIR Data - CPS Pushed State Resident
IGNR08OPISIR Data - CPS Pushed State Non-Resident
ED2008OPACG Data File
TAPS08INTest System - Applications
TCOR08INTest System - Corrections
TAPE08OPTest System - Application Errors
TCOE08OPTest System - Correction Errors
TDAP08OPTest System - Daily Application ISIR's
TDSA08OPTest System - Daily Automatic ISIR's
TGCO08OPTest System - CPS Pushed Correction ISIR's
TGSA08OPTest System - CPS Pushed Automatic ISIR's
IATX08OPIA Tool SSN List Export

NOTE: If these message classes are used to send records prior to January 1, 2007, the records will NOT be processed.

The message class table update will be transparent to you except for an Import dialog box, which will appear on your screen and display the progress of the import as the file is importing.

The new message class table file will also be available on the FSAdownload Web Site (located at in the "Software and Associated Documents" section.


If you have performed a network installation of EDconnect, the new message class table will import into the EDconnect database on your network drive. Individual workstations will all have access to the new message class table after it has been imported.


If you are using the current 7.1 version of EDconnect, the message class table will automatically download and update EDconnect on each PC that initiates a transmission.

If you have any questions about the information contained in this document, contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 800/330-5947 (TDD/TTY 800/511-5806), or by e-mail at