Publication Date: August 17, 2006 Author: G. Kay Jacks, General Manager, Application, Operations and Delivery Services, Federal Student Aid Summary: 2005-2006 COD Technical Reference August 2006 Updates Now Available Posted on 08-17-2006 We have updated the 2005-2006 Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) Technical Reference. For a complete list of updates, refer to the "0506 COD Technical Reference August 2006 Change Tracking Log." Notes: 1) These updates include some final updates related to the Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2005 (the HERA), Pub. L. 109-171. 2) 2006-2007 COD Technical Reference August 2006 Updates and the 2007-2008 COD Technical Reference Draft are posted under separate cover. If you have any questions about this material, contact the COD School Relations Center at 800/4PGRANT for ACG, National SMART Grant, and Pell Grant or 800/848-0978 for Direct Loan. You may also e mail |