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Summary: HERA Operational Implementation Guidance (CPS, COD System, EDExpress Suite) -- Additional CPS Reprocessing of Certain 2006-2007 ISIRs Scheduled for June 23, 2006

Publication Date: June 23, 2006

Author: G. Kay Jacks, General Manager, FSA Application, School Eligibility and Delivery Services

Summary: HERA Operational Implementation Guidance (CPS, COD System, EDExpress Suite) - Additional CPS Reprocessing of Certain 2006-2007 ISIRs Scheduled for June 23, 2006

Posted on 06-23-2006

We have discovered an issue with the 2006-2007 records reprocessed by the Central Processing System (CPS) on May 24, 2006. As described in the May 11, 2006 electronic announcement, the May 24 reprocessing of Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) data was necessary to implement provisions of the Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2005 (the HERA), Pub. L. 109-171, as described in Dear Colleague Letter, GEN-06-05. These changes include eliminating the consideration of a dependent student’s type of tax return for the simplified needs test (SNT) and automatic zero expected family contribution (EFC), and increasing the income threshold to $20,000 to qualify for an automatic zero EFC.

As you are aware, the original reprocessing occurred on May 19, 2006 and the second reprocessing was done on May 24, 2006. We have researched and confirmed reports by institutions that the May 24, 2006 CPS reprocessing only included 2006-2007 Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs) with an EFC greater than zero but did not include records from the original May 19, 2006 reprocessing with a zero EFC.


An additional reprocessing of 2006-2007 ISIRs is scheduled for June 23, 2006 to update student records with a zero EFC that were excluded from the May 24, 2006 reprocessing. This final reprocessing will ensure the HERA need analysis changes are applied correctly to all 2006-2007 records and that institutions will receive the remaining ISIRs needed to complete this important reprocessing of student data.

Institutions will receive the reprocessed records in their Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) mailboxes by late afternoon or early evening on June 23, 2006. ISIRs generated from this reprocessing will be sent in the IGSG07OP message class and can be identified as follows:

  • Reprocess Reason = "03" (ISIR field #156, Positions 712 to 713)
  • Transaction Data Source Code = "5" (ISIR field #111, Position 535)
  • Transaction Data Type Code = "P" (ISIR field #111, Position 536)
  • Comment Code 172 (ISIR field #275, Positions 1677 to 1736) will be present

Please note that the majority of these reprocessed ISIRs will have a Processed Date of 6/23/06 (ISIR field #153, position 689). However, because a small number of affected records will not be reprocessed until the CPS receives secondary confirmation results back from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), some reprocessed ISIRs with a Reprocess Reason Code of "03" will have a Processed Date of 6/26/06, 6/27/06 or 6/28/06.

How to Handle ISIRs Resulting from May 19, 2006 Reprocessing

Institutions can continue to ignore or delete ISIR data received in the IGSG07OP message class as a result of the May 19, 2006 reprocessing, as directed in prior announcements. ISIRs from the May 19 reprocessing that can be disregarded have a Reprocess Reason Code of "01" and a Processed Date of 5/19/06.

You can use the following data elements to identify ISIRs that can be ignored or deleted:

  • Reprocess Reason = " 01" (ISIR field #156, Positions 712 to 713)
  • Processed date of 5/19/06 (ISIR field #153, position 689)
  • Transaction Data Source Code = "5" (ISIR field #111, Position 535)
  • Transaction Data Type Code = "P" (ISIR field #111, Position 536)
  • Comment Code 172 (ISIR field #275, Positions 1677 to 1736) will be present

Because the IGSG07OP message class can also contain data resulting from NSLDS post-screening and DHS secondary confirmation, it is important to note that not all ISIR data in this message class can be deleted. Also, because some records that were identified for reprocessing on May 19, 2006 were held for DHS secondary confirmation, these records were reprocessed later using the correct need analysis criteria and therefore cannot be ignored. These records (approximately 360) will have a Reprocess Reason Code of "01" and a Processed Date of 5/22/06, 5/23/06, or 5/24/06. Institutions must be careful to delete only the records in the IGSG07OP message class that have a Reprocess Reason Code of "01"and a Processed Date of 5/19/06.

How to Handle ISIRs Resulting from May 24, 2006 Reprocessing

The 2006-2007 ISIR records you received as a result of the May 24, 2006 reprocessing adhere to the CPS changes we are implementing for the HERA and must be reviewed by institutions for changes to students' eligibility. However, as noted earlier in this message, the May 24, 2006 reprocessing did not result in a complete set of student records affected by HERA. Institutions will be receiving the remaining affected records as part of the upcoming June 23, 2006 reprocessing.

For Further Information

Please refer to the electronic announcement posted on May 11, 2006 for further details about the HERA need analysis changes implemented as a result of reprocessing.

If you have questions regarding this message, contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 800/330-5947 (TDD/TTY 800/511-5806) or by e-mail at If you have other questions regarding the HERA, contact the Federal Research and Customer Care Center (RCCC) at 800/433-7327.

We regret any inconvenience this reprocessing issue may have caused you.