Publication Date: April 6, 2006 Author: G. Kay Jacks, General Manager, FSA Application, School Eligibility and Delivery Services Summary: Default Prevention Workshop in Puerto Rico, May 2-3, 2006 Posted on 04-06-2006 The U.S. Department of Education is pleased to announce the 2006 Puerto Rico Default Prevention Workshop. This workshop, to be held at the Caribbean Regional Training Facility on May 2-3, 2006, was developed specifically for the Puerto Rico school community. All schools in Puerto Rico are invited to attend. There is no charge to attend this training; however, school representatives must register for the workshop at: Registration will remain open through April 28, 2006, but because of limited seating, participants should register early to secure a place in the workshop. Should you have any questions, please contact Raul Galvan at (214) 661-9455 or Anita Wojick at (617) 289-0130. |