Maintained for Historical Purposes

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Summary: Upcoming Distribution of Annual FAA Roster

Publication Date: March 3, 2006

Author: G. Kay Jacks, General Manager, FSA Application, School Eligibility and Delivery Services

Summary: Upcoming Distribution of Annual FAA Roster

Posted on 03-03-2006

As we announced on February 1, 2006, we are sending two reports through the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) designed to assist you in managing your TG numbers and your staff's access to Federal Student Aid secure data systems.

The first report, the Destination Point Administrator (DPA) Roster, was sent on February 21, 2006.

The second report, the Financial Aid Administrator (FAA) Roster, will be sent on March 7, 2006 under the message class FAARSTRS to all TG numbers that send and receive Central Processing System (CPS) and/or FISAP data. To find out which of your TG numbers send and receive this data, go to the SAIG Enrollment site ( and select "Review Your Organization's Mailboxes."

The FAA Roster lists the employees at your organization who are currently enrolled for access to FAA Access to CPS Online or for eCampus-Based (FISAP) services. If you send and receive CPS and FISAP data with the same TG number, your organization will only receive one report. If your organization is enrolled for CPS and FISAP services under different TG numbers, you will receive separate reports.

If you find users you want to delete after reviewing the FAA Roster, go to the SAIG Enrollment site ( and follow the procedures provided at the end of this message.

You can download the FAA Roster with EDconnect by making a request for all files in your mailbox or by making a request for the FAARSTRS message class only. After you have downloaded the file, it will appear in the EDconnect Activity Log. You can open it directly from the Activity Log or by using text-editing software, such as Notepad or Microsoft Word.

To open the file from the Activity Log, double-click the file name in the File Name field. EDconnect will display the file in a text format so you can print it. To open it using a text editor, make a note of the name and location of the file as listed in the Activity Log, start your text-editing software, and browse to the file to open it.

The FAA Roster displays the following information:

1. TG Number: The TG number that is enrolled to send and receive CPS and/or FISAP data at your organization.

2. Destination Point Name: The name of the organization that is enrolled to send and receive CPS and/or FISAP data.

3. Destination Point Administrator: The name of the employee who is on file as the owner of the TG number that is enrolled to send and receive CPS and/or FISAP data at your organization.

4. Secondary Destination Point Administrator: The name of the employee who is on file as the backup for the DPA of the TG number that is enrolled to send and receive CPS and/or FISAP data.

5. All active FAA Users on file for your organization: These are employees at your organization who are currently enrolled for CPS and/or FISAP online services. The owner of the TG number (the DPA) will not be listed as an FAA User. Your organization may not have any FAA Users listed because only the DPA at your organization is currently enrolled for online services.

6. The online service(s) for which each FAA User is currently enrolled.

If you want to delete an FAA User:

1. Go to the SAIG Enrollment site ( and click the "Enroll FAA Users for Online Services" icon.

2. Enter the TG number that is currently enrolled to send and receive CPS and/or FISAP data for your organization. Click "Next."

3. Enter the authentication information for the TG number. Click "Next."

4. Select "Delete an existing FAA User or user rights" from the menu. The FAA User page displays the employees at your organization who are currently enrolled for FAA online access.

5. Select the FAA User you want to delete from the list.

6. Click "Delete" on the Delete FAA User Page.

7. Click "Continue" on the Delete FAA User Successful page to return to the list of FAA Users assigned to your organization.

If you have any questions regarding this message, contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 800/330-5947 (TDD/TTY 800/511-5806) or by e-mail at