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Summary: Program File Available for EDExpress for Windows 2005-2006, Release 2.0 to Address Issue with Missing MPN Information in COD PLUS Response Files

Publication Date: September 15, 2005

Author: General Manager, FSA Application, School Eligibility and Delivery Services

Summary: Program File Available for EDExpress for Windows 2005-2006, Release 2.0 to Address Issue with Missing MPN Information in COD PLUS Response Files

Posted on 09-15-2005

CPS/SAIG Technical Support has posted a program file to the U.S. Department of Education's Federal Student Aid Download (FSAdownload) Web site (located at to address an issue affecting the Direct Loan module of EDExpress for Windows 2005-2006, Release 2.0.


Some Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) Response files (message class CRAA06OP) currently being sent to users may be missing complete Master Promissory Note (MPN) Status/Linking Indicator information for certain individual Direct PLUS Loan records. During the import of these Response files into EDExpress for Windows 2005-2006, Release 2.0, some PLUS records in EDExpress are updated with an incorrect MPN Status. COD has identified the cause of this issue and will soon install a code fix for remedy. In the interim, to ensure EDExpress users eliminate the risk of importing incomplete MPN status data and inaccurately updating the MPN status, we encourage EDExpress users to implement the steps described under "Resolution" below.


We have posted a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file named CODImportExport6.dll to the
FSAdownload Web site to resolve this issue in EDExpress. Once this file is installed, PLUS Response files with missing MPN Status information will not update the associated EDExpress PLUS records upon import.

To identify records in your EDExpress database that may have been impacted by this issue, you should first generate a full list of your EDExpress PLUS records. You can create this report by following the steps listed below:

1) Select File, Print, Direct Loan from the EDExpress main menu.
2) Click the down arrow for Report Type and select List-Loans.
3) Select the Multiple button.
4) Select Printer as the Report File Destination if it is not the default destination.
5) Click the Selection Criteria button.
6) On the Selection Criteria dialog box, click the Query Title ellipsis button.
7) Select the query titled "Loan Type" and click OK.
8) From the Parameter Query Entry dialog box, enter "P" for the Field Value and click OK.
9) From the Print dialog box, select the Sort order and click OK.

Once you have generated the EDExpress List-Loans report for your PLUS records, you should compare the MPN Status information on the list to the COD Web site (located at This will allow you to identify PLUS loans in your EDExpress database that show different MPN Status information than in the COD System.

Any PLUS records you identify in EDExpress with incorrect MPN Status information must be corrected by importing a Direct Loan Rebuild file, which will allow you to overwrite the records with the most recent information on COD. Contact COD School Relations Center at 800/848-0978 or by e-mail at to request a Direct Loan Rebuild file.

** Installing the Program File on your System**

The CODImportExport6.dll file should be downloaded and copied into the EDExpress for Windows 2005-2006 program directory of all PC workstations in your office that have Release 2.0 installed.

NOTE: Be sure to close the Release 2.0 program on your PC(s) before performing
this download and copy procedure.

To download the CODImportExport6.dll patch, go to, click the "Software and Associated Documents" link, and select "EDExpress for Windows 2005-2006, Release 2.0." On the "EDExpress 2005-2006" page, you can initiate the download of the CODImportExport6.dll patch by clicking the "CODImportExport6.dll" link under the "Software" section. You will receive a message asking if you wish to open the file or save it to your computer. You should choose to save the file to your computer, following the directions below.

Please note the following tips regarding this process:

1) Save the CODImportExport6.dll to the program directory for EDExpress for Windows 2005-2006, Release 2.0 on each PC running Release 2.0. For most users, this is the default directory of C:\Program Files\EDESuite\EDExpress for Windows 2005-2006 (unless you changed this location during the installation process).

2) During the copy procedure, you will receive a prompt asking if you wish to replace the existing CODImportExport6.dll file with the new version you are downloading. You should click "Yes" and allow Windows to overwrite the file.

3) You do not need to reboot your PC(s) once the copy procedure is complete in order to resume using Release 2.0.

REMINDER! If your EDExpress for Windows 2005-2006, Release 2.0 database is installed on a network drive, and you have multiple PC workstations accessing that database, you must repeat steps 1-3 above on EACH workstation.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

If you need assistance with downloading or copying the CODImportExport6.dll file to the Release 2.0 program directory on your PC(s), contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 800/330-5947 (TDD/TYY 800/511-5806) or by e-mail at

If you have questions regarding the COD Web site or wish to request a Direct Loan Rebuild file, contact the COD School Relations Center at 800/848-0978 or by e-mail at