Maintained for Historical Purposes

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Summary: Upcoming Automatic Message Class Update

Publication Date: September 13, 2005

Author: G. Kay Jacks, General Manager, FSA Application, School Eligibility and Delivery Services

Summary: Upcoming Automatic Message Class Update

Posted on 09-13-2005

On September 12, 2005 the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) will send out the message class "MESSAGTB" to all users. The EDconnect software will automatically request, download, and import this new message class table with your next connection to the SAIG network. Once the MESSAGTB file has been imported, the new message class table will be used from that point on.

The new message class file will delete the FISAP message class FDRAXXIN, described as "03-04 DRA Transaction File." This message class is being deleted due to the new process for the Federal Perkins Loan Default Reduction Assistance Program (DRAP). The new DRAP process was implemented in late July 2005. For more information about the new DRAP process, please see Dear Colleague Letter CB-05-11 posted on the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site at Under the "Letters & Bulletins" link, click on the "Campus-based (CB)" link.

Other additions to the message class table include the Central Processing System (CPS) 2006-2007 message classes. The following CPS message classes have been added:

EAPS07IN Initial Applications
CORR07IN Corrections
SIGS07IN Signature Batches
EAPR07OP Errors - Applications
CORE07OP Errors - Corrections
SIGA07OP Errors - Signatures
ISRF07OP ISIR Data - Requested
IDAP07OP ISIR Data - Daily Applications
IDSA07OP ISIR Data - Daily Automatic
IDRE07OP ISIR Data - Daily State Resident
IDNR07OP ISIR Data - Daily State Non-Resident
IGCO07OP ISIR Data - CPS Corrections
IGSA07OP ISIR Data - CPS Pushed Automatic
IGSG07OP ISIR Data - CPS Pushed System Generated
IGRE07OP ISIR Data - CPS Pushed State Resident
IGNR07OP ISIR Data - CPS Pushed State Non-Resident
TAPS07IN Test System - Applications
TCOR07IN Test System - Corrections
TAPE07OP Test System - Application Errors
TCOE07OP Test System - Correction Errors
TDAP07OP Test System - Daily Application ISIR's
TDSA07OP Test System - Daily Automatic ISIR's
TGCO07OP Test System - CPS Pushed Correction ISIR's
TGSA07OP Test System - CPS Pushed Automatic ISIR's

The message class table update will be transparent to you except for an Import Dialog Box, which will appear on your screen and display the progress of the import as the file is importing. Do not click on the CANCEL button during the import procedure. If you cancel the automatic update, you will need to import the file manually, unless you are using EDconnect v6.0 or v5.3 which will automatically do another update with the next transmission.

The new message class table file is also available on the FSAdownload Web Site ( The file may be found in the "Software" section under "Message Class Table."


If you have performed a network install of EDconnect, with numerous workstations, the new message class table will copy to the edconn.mdb file that is on your network drive. The individual workstations all will have access to the new message class table after it has been imported.


If you are using version 7.1, 6.0 or 5.3 of EDconnect then the message class table will automatically update each PC that initiates a transmission.

If you are using a lower version of EDconnect, the PC that downloads the "MESSAGTB" will have its message class table updated. Other stand-alone PC's will need to have the MESSAGTB file manually imported. You can copy the received MESSAGTB. *** file, denoted by the highest numbered extension, onto a diskette and manually import the file into EDconnect software located on the other stand-alone PC's, or you may retrieve the MESSAGTB file from the FSAdownload Web site.


If you receive files by requesting a specific message class or TGxxxxx number, then you will need to make changes in accordance with the MESSAGTB file.

You will need to receive the MESSAGTB file from your mailbox at a record length of 80. This file will list one record for each current and deleted message class. Compare this file with the previous message class table to determine which message classes have been added or updated.

If you have any questions about the message class table, contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 1-800-330-5947 or via electronic mail at