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Summary: Communication of 2006-2007 Application and Delivery System Updates

Publication Date: September 13, 2005

Author: G. Kay Jacks, General Manager, FSA Application, School Eligibility and Delivery Services

Summary: Communication of 2006-2007 Application and Delivery System Updates

Posted on 09-13-2005

We would like to take this opportunity to notify our partners in the financial aid community that Federal Student Aid (FSA) will not be offering a 2006-2007 Application and Delivery System Update videoconference this fall. While our annual videoconference is always an exciting opportunity to discuss enhancements we are making for the upcoming award year, 2006-2007 will be a year of relatively little change to the application processing system. Therefore, after thoughtful discussion, we decided to concentrate our training efforts on publications to students and schools, as well as on the development of other training tools.

We look forward to communicating the improvements being made in 2006-2007 to the application processing system in a variety of ways, including upcoming process guides, the annual Electronic Access Conferences (EACs), updates to our computer-based tutorials, and other training opportunities.

An early preview of the major changes for 2006-2007 was posted on July 27, 2005 to the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site (see the electronic announcement "Overview of Major 2006-2007 Application Processing System Changes"). In addition, we recently posted the 2006-2007 Renewal FAFSA Process Guide which provides a comprehensive discussion of changes to the renewal application process. In the next few months we will be posting numerous other publications, including the Summary of Changes for the Application Processing System, the ISIR Guide, the School Electronic Process Guide, the Student Web Application Products Process Guide, and the SAR Comment Codes and Text guide.

We will continue to work hard to share information about the upcoming award year with you and answer any questions you may have. In addition, we look forward to exploring opportunities to meet with you during a videoconferences in the future.