From: Terri Shaw, Chief Operating Officer, Federal Student Aid
Subject: Technical Support For Schools Affected by Hurricane Katrina
As a result of Hurricane Katrina, many financial aid offices in the affected areas are in the process of assessing and repairing damage to data and systems. Both the Central Processing System (CPS) and Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) have help desks that are ready to provide any additional technical assistance that may be needed.
**CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 800/330-5947 (TDD/TYY 800/511-5806), 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Central Time (or by e-mail at can assist you with the following services:**
* If you are missing ISIR data, we can restore files to your SAIG mailbox that are less than 180 days old so that you can download them again;
* Walk you through making ISIR requests from the ISIR Datamart (part of FAA Access to CPS Online) for data files that are older than 180 days, for the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 award years (requests can be made for a specific date range or for the entire award year);
* Help you import Pell Grant year-to-date files into EDExpress to rebuild your Pell databases;
* Help you rebuild your Direct Loan databases by importing rebuild files into EDExpress using the DL Tools software;
* Help you download, install, and set up EDESuite software, such as EDExpress, from the Department's FSA Download Web site, located at;
* Help you install and use EDExpress as a temporary measure for processing student financial aid information, if your third-party software or mainframe system is unavailable;
* Help you with Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) enrollment issues, such as enrolling new users for FAA Access to CPS Online to assist you with processing;
* Provide information regarding minimal and optimal computer requirements, if the purchase of new hardware or software is necessary.
**COD School Relations at 800/848-0978, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time (or by e-mail at is also ready to assist you in the following ways:**
* Help track document/batch status of COD data files as well as corresponding responses;
* Assist with ad-hoc report requests and data requests for existing information on the COD System. We can also help request Pell Grant year-to-date files or Direct Loan rebuild files to rebuild your database;
* Provide assistance with the COD Web site or with processing information on the Web, if batch submissions are not feasible;
* Assist with setting or changing school processing options on the COD Web site. For example, you can change your master promissory note (MPN) print option so that COD prints your school's MPNs until printing functionality is restored;
* Assist with credit check processing, as well as providing the status of credit checks or credit appeals;
* Assist with closeout for Pell Grant and Direct Loan, including administrative relief or extended processing requests;
* Assist with ordering new Direct Loan materials, such as counseling guides.
Please let us know how we can help. Hurricane Katrina information is also available on the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site at
If you have general questions about disaster relief or specific questions about policy issues, contact the FSA Customer Service Call Center at 800/433-7327 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.