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Summary: Federal Register Notice Extending Institutional and Applicant Deadlines



From: Terri Shaw, Chief Operating Officer, Federal Student Aid

Subject: Federal Register Notice Extending Institutional and Applicant Deadlines

As a result of the extensive damage and disruption caused by Hurricane Katrina, the Department published on September 9, 2005 a Notice in the Federal Register extending student aid institutional reporting and application deadlines summarized in the following chart. (The Federal Register Notice is attached to this announcement).

The Federal Register Notice provides that the extended deadlines apply to (1) institutions and third-party servicers that are located in a federally declared disaster area and that are adversely impacted by Hurricane Katrina, and (2) applicants that are adversely impacted by Hurricane Katrina. However, any institution that, because of the hurricane, is unable to meet any reporting deadline may call the appropriate person or call center. These requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

An impacted institution, third-party servicer, or applicant that cannot meet an extended deadline may request an additional extension by contacting the appropriate person or call center, as specified in the chart. In addition, an impacted institution or third-party servicer that does not meet a current deadline must maintain documentation of the hurricane-related reason that caused it to miss the deadline.

Current Deadline Extended Deadline For Questions or Requests Contact:
Institutional Reporting Activities:
Campus-Based Programs FISAP (Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate) September 30, 2005 December 1, 2005
Campus-Based Call Center,
or email at
Pell Grant reporting to COD for the 2004-05 award year September 30, 2005 December 1, 2005
COD School Relations Center
(1-800-474-7268), or email at
Submission of Pell Grant Disbursement Records for the 2004-05 and 2005-2006 award years Within 30 days of the date the institution disbursed or adjusted a student's Pell Grant award. December 1, 2005
COD School Relations Center,
(1-800-474-7268), or email at
Submission of Direct Loan Records for the 2004-05 and 2005-2006 award years (promissory notes, loan origination, and disbursement records) Within 30 days of the date the institution disbursed, adjusted, or cancelled a loan. December 1, 2005 COD School Relations Center,
1-800-848-0978, or email at
Annual Audit Submission (Compliance Audit and Audited Financial Statements) For-profit institutions and third-party servicers, six months after the end of their fiscal year

Non-profit and public institutions, nine months after the end of their fiscal year

All institutions and third-party servicers have an additional 90 days. For institutions and servicers in Alabama and Mississippi, call Charles Engstrom at (404) 562-6309 or email at

For institutions and servicers in Louisiana, call the Dallas Regional Office at (214) 661-9490 or email at

Applicant Filing Activities
FAFSA Corrections for the 2004-05 award year:

Paper corrections using a SAR and electronic corrections made from FAFSA on the Web, FAA Access to CPS Online, or EDE

Changes to mailing or email addresses, changes to institutions, and requests for a duplicate SAR made by phone to the Federal Student Aid Information Center

Paper signatures pages and electronic signatures

The Central Processing System (CPS) must have received these items by September 15, 2005 December 1, 2005 Customer Service Call Center at 1-800-433-7327
Activities Related to Documents Received by an Institution
Receipt of SARs and ISIRs, including valid SARs and ISIRs for the Pell Grants Must have received a SAR or ISIR for the 2004-05 award year by September 23, 2005 December 1, 2005 Customer Service Call Center at 1-800-433-7327
Receipt of Verification Documents Must have received all requested documents for the 2004-05 award year by September 23, 2005 December 1, 2005 Customer Service Call Center at 1-800-433-7327

Please continue to monitor our websites, as we will be providing additional Hurricane Katrina information on a regular basis.