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Summary: EDconnect 7.0 Issues

Publication Date: July 14, 2005

Author: G. Kay Jacks, General Manager, FSA Application, School Eligibility and Delivery Services

Summary: EDconnect 7.0 Issues

Posted on 07-14-2005

The Department of Education wants to alert the financial aid community to three issues that have been identified in the new EDconnect v7.0 software. None of these issues affects the ability of the users to send or receive data, but we want you to be aware of them so you can take action if needed. FSA will provide a version 7.1 that corrects both issues in the very near future, but in the mean time we have provided workarounds for those using EDconnect 7.0. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Issue #1 - The temporary files (files with an extension of "cmp") that EDconnect creates in the C:/iam/data directory (or a directory you have specified) when you send files are normally deleted automatically by EDconnect when the transmission is completed. In EDconnect 7.0, the cmp files are not being deleted. This has the potential to take up space on your hard drive with unnecessary files. The workaround for this issue is to perform a Windows search for "*.cmp" periodically and to delete these files manually.

Issue #2 - If you have chosen to combine downloaded files by selecting the Combine box for certain message classes in the Message Class Manager, EDconnect will appear to download and combine your files, but will not create a combined file in the data directory even though the files will be flagged in your mailbox as having been downloaded. We strongly recommend that you do not use the Combine feature until EDconnect 7.1 is available. If you have already received files using Combine, the workaround is to use the Received File view to download the files again.

Issue #3 - The actual file size in the Activity Log view is showing as '0' for received files only. This will be corrected in the EDconnect 7.1 software.

If you have already installed EDconnect 7.0, you will be able to do a custom/upgrade installation of the soon-to-be-released 7.1 version. For those who have not installed EDconnect 7.0, we recommend that you wait for version 7.1 and do a full installation of that software.

In addition, CPS/SAIG Customer Service has received a large number of calls from users experiencing problems with their SAIG (network) password change. We would like to remind you that the recent upgrade to SAIG modified the network password requirements.

--- Network password must begin with an alpha character.
--- Network password must be a minimum length of eight characters.
--- Network password must contain at least one upper case and one lower case alpha character, plus one numeric character.
--- Network password cannot be any of the last four passwords used.
--- Network password cannot be a password that matches the User Name or TG number.
--- Network password will be locked out after three failures. (Call CPS/SAIG Technical Support to have the password reset.)
--- Network password expires after 90 days.

If You Need Further InformationÂ…
You can reach CPS/SAIG Technical Support Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. (CT), at 800/330-5947, or by e-mail