Publication Date: July 1, 2005
Author: G. Kay Jacks, General Manager, FSA Application, School Eligibility and Delivery Services
Summary: 2005-2006 ISIR Analysis Tool Web Application Now Available
Posted on 07-01-2005
The U.S. Department of Education is pleased to announce the 2005-2006 ISIR Analysis Tool on the Web is now available on the FAA Main Menu of the FAA Access to CPS Online Web site (
The ISIR Analysis Tool is designed for any school that wants to review and analyze its Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) data and better understand certain characteristics about its Title IV applicant population and verification process (either federally selected or defined by the school). The Web site allows you to perform the following functions:
1) Request specific or random samples of Initial and Paid On ISIR transactions from the ISIR Datamart to populate your ISIR Analysis Tool database.
2) Define and populate user-specified fields to track data specific to your school.
3) Use the School Verification Flag field to indicate student records meeting your school's institutional verification criteria.
4) Perform Data Validation to identify unmatched student records in preparation for performing calculations to finalize your overall ISIR sample used for report generation.
5) Generate standard reports that are used for in-depth analysis based on discrepancies or trends identified in requested ISIR data.
6) Create ad hoc reports that can be used to conduct additional analysis unique to your school's user data and student demographics.
NOTE: We encourage all schools to explore the benefits of using the ISIR Analysis Tool. It is important to note, however, that use of the ISIR Analysis Tool does not mean your school is in the Quality Assurance (QA) Program or exempt from federal verification requirements. To have these benefits, you must have a signed QA Amendment to your Title IV Program Participation Agreement (PPA).
You must have Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 5.5 or higher as your browser in order to utilize the reporting features available in the ISIR Analysis Tool.
If you already enrolled your staff for access to the 2004-2005 version of the ISIR Analysis Tool Web site, you do not need to enroll them again for 2005-2006.
To provide new staff members with access to the ISIR Analysis Tool Web site, you will need to enroll them for both FAA Access to CPS Online and the ISIR Analysis Tool. The Destination Point Administrator (DPA) of the TG number currently used by your school to send and receive Free Applications for Federal Student Aid (FAFSAs) and ISIR corrections has access to the FAA Access to CPS Online Web site by default and can add or modify rights for other users. This DPA (and ONLY this DPA) will need to enroll financial aid staff members for access to the FAA Access to CPS Online and the ISIR Analysis Tool Web sites.
The DPA can easily sign up financial aid staff members for FAA Access to CPS Online and the ISIR Analysis Tool on the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) Enrollment Web site, located at Signature pages are NOT required for FAA Access or ISIR Analysis Tool enrollment.
The enrollment process is detailed in the steps listed below. Staff members that are already enrolled for FAA Access only require a modification to their existing profile to add ISIR Analysis Tool.
1) Go to the SAIG Enrollment site, located at, and click on the "Enroll FAA Users for Online Services" icon.
2) Enter the TG number that is currently sending and receiving FAFSA and ISIR correction data for your destination point. Click Next.
3) Enter the Identifier Information for the DPA who is assigned to the TG number that transmits FAFSA and ISIR correction data for your school. Click Next.
4) If you are enrolling a user for FAA Access to CPS Online for the first time, select "Add a new FAA User" from the menu and click Next. NOTE: If you are modifying existing FAA Access rights for a user to include ISIR Analysis Tool, skip to steps #10-13.
5) Complete the Demographic Information Page for the person you are enrolling. Click Continue. NOTE: It is important that you enter a valid e-mail address for the person you add in this step. Once the enrollment process is successfully completed, the user will receive an e-mail response allowing them to go online and retrieve their PIN. A PIN is required to access the FAA Access to CPS Online Web site.
6) From the FAA User Service and Cycle Selection screen, you can enroll your employee to have the same FAA rights as the DPA (the owner of the TG number, who always has full rights). Click the Yes button located in the top box where it asks, "Do you wish to enroll the new FAA User for all services and cycles with the same access rights as the DPA?" Click Continue. NOTE: We recommend that you provide your employees with the same access rights as the DPA, although it is not required that you do so. For more information on providing 2005-2006 FAA Online services only, please review the topic "Enrolling a new FAA user so they have limited access rights" in the Frequently Asked Questions section on the SAIG Enrollment Web site.
7) Click on Open Statements (required) on the FAA User Statement Page to print the FAA User Statement. You must complete an FAA User Statement for each employee you grant rights to in step #5, and you must keep the form in your files. After you have successfully printed the FAA User Statement, close the Adobe Acrobat window. This will take you back to the FAA User Statement Page. Click Continue.
8) A pop-up box will ask you if you have successfully printed the FAA User Statement. Click OK to proceed to the next screen.
9) You will now see a screen that says "Receiving Confirmation." This message signifies that you have successfully added the user. Click Continue to return to the FAA Online Access main menu. If you have additional users to add, return to step #4 in these procedures and repeat the process.
10) If you are modifying rights for an existing FAA Access user to include access to the ISIR Analysis Tool, select "View/Change an existing FAA User or user rights" instead of "Add a new FAA User" following step #3.
11) Below the Enrollee Name field, select "CPS" for the "2005-2006" Cycle. You will be taken automatically to the next screen.
12) Under "ISIR Analysis Tool," select "Read" or "Write" access rights for the user. NOTE: Read access rights allow the user to view ISIR Analysis Tool screens but not make updates. (Write access rights automatically include Read access rights.)
13) Click Update. Repeat steps 10-12 for additional existing FAA Access users requiring access to the ISIR Analysis Tool.
As noted in step #6 above, please alert new users you have added using these procedures that they will be receiving an e-mail that will allow them to get their PIN. The e-mail will include a link to a Web site where the user will be asked to provide the first two letters of their last name, their SSN, and their Date of Birth. If the data are correctly matched, the PIN will be displayed.
The PIN will allow the user to access the FAA Access to CPS Online Web site (located at and to use the 2005-2006 ISIR Analysis Tool.
Please note the link in the PIN e-mail may be accessed one time only. If the user does not access the link within 14 days of receipt, it will no longer be available. A paper PIN mailer will be sent to the user instead.
If you have any questions about the ISIR Analysis Tool or SAIG enrollment procedures, please contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or by e-mail at