Publication Date: April 21, 2005
Author: G. Kay Jacks, General Manager, FSA Application, School Eligibility and Delivery Services
Summary: Program File Available for Download to Resolve Pell Grant Print Issue in EDExpress for Windows 2004-2005, Release 2.1
Posted on 04-21-2005
CPS/SAIG Technical Support has posted a program file to the U.S. Department of Education's Federal Student Aid Download (FSAdownload) Web site (located at to resolve a Pell Grant Print software issue in EDExpress for Windows 2004-2005, Release 2.1.
In the Print function of Release 2.1 Pell Grant, when you print the List-Processed Disbursements YTD report, the disbursement total currently reflects the highest sequence number instead of the most recently processed sequence number. Therefore, the totals of disbursements that have a sequence number ranging from 66 to 99 may be reflected incorrectly on this report.
We have posted a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file named PellReport5.dll to the FSAdownload Web site to resolve this software issue. Once downloaded, the PellReport5.dll file should be copied into the EDExpress for Windows 2004-2005 program directory of all PC workstations in your office that have Release 2.1 installed.
NOTE: Be sure to close the Release 2.1 program on your PC(s) before performing this download and copy procedure.
To download the PellReport5.dll patch, go to, click on the "Software and Associated Documents" link, and select "EDExpress for Windows 2004-2005, Release 2.1." On the "EDExpress 2004-2005" page, you can initiate the download of the PellReport5.dll patch by clicking the " PellReport5.dll " link under the "Software" section. You will receive a prompt asking if you wish to open the file or save it to your computer. You should choose to save the file to your computer, following the directions below.
Please note the following tips regarding this process:
1) You must direct your file save to the default program directory of C:\Program Files\EDESuite\EDExpress for Windows 2004-2005.
2) During the copy procedure, you will receive a prompt asking if you wish to replace the existing PellReport5.dll file with the new version you are downloading. You should click "Yes" and allow Windows to overwrite the file. REMINDER! If EDExpress is installed on a network, you must copy this DLL file into the program directory for each workstation on which EDExpress is installed.
3) You do not need to reboot your PC(s) once the copy procedure is complete in order to resume using Release 2.1.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
If you need assistance with downloading or copying the PellReport5.dll file to the Release 2.1 program directory on your PC(s), please contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at