Publication Date: March 11, 2005
Author: General Manager, Student Aid Awareness and Applicant Products and Services
Summary: First Draft of 2006-2007 FAFSA available for Comment
Posted on 03-11-2005
The first draft of the 2006-2007 FAFSA is available for comment. A Federal Register Notice opening the 60-day public comment period was published March 8, 2005. Comments on the draft FAFSA may be sent by e-mail to
We are not proposing any changes to the FAFSA questions or to the order of questions on the form. Several changes to the wording of instructions are proposed, as follows:
- Page 1. Revised the second paragraph in "Applying by the Deadlines" on Page 1 for a more logical flow
- Page 1. Revised wording of "Using Your Tax Return" on Page 1, to state that anyone who is required to file a federal tax return must do so to receive federal student aid, in the interest of improving applicant data
- Page 2. Under notes for Questions 43-45, deleted the first two lines regarding Internet filing and skipping certain questions, to avoid confusing users of the paper application
- Page 2. Changed Notes for "questions 43-45" to "questions 44-45"; and "questions 81-83" to "questions 82-83" because the Notes no longer apply to questions 43 and 81.
- Page 2. Notes for Questions 43-45. In the "Investments include" paragraph, referred applicants to a Web site for more information, since we receive frequent questions on defining investments
- Pages 4 and 5, questions 32 and 70. Changed option "c" to include the phrase "Â…not required to file."
- Page 8, Worksheet B. Added the word "Voluntary" before "payments to tax-deferred pension and savings plans" for clarity.
2006-2007 Draft FAFSA Form in PDF Format, 481KB, 8 pages
2006-2007 Draft FAFSA Insert in PDF Format, 425KB, 2 pages