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Summary: FSA Satellite Broadcast for Counselors and Mentors: December 9, 2004

Publication Date: November 19, 2004

Author: General Manager, Students Channel, FSA ASEDS

Summary: FSA Satellite Broadcast for Counselors and Mentors: December 9, 2004

Posted on 11-19-2004

SUMMARY: FSA Satellite Broadcast for Counselors and Mentors: December 9, 2004

Dear colleague:

Please see the announcement below regarding FSA's upcoming satellite broadcast for high school counselors and mentors. We welcome your participation. For example, postsecondary schools may register as host sites and invite local high school and TRIO counselors to watch the program at the postsecondary school. After the broadcast, the postsecondary school's financial aid staff conducts a question-and-answer session for the counselors in attendance. This practice increases the number of aid-savvy professionals serving the local community. In order to reach as broad an audience as possible, this announcement is also being posted on listservs for GEAR UP, TRIO, and high school counselors.

We look forward to your participation in this important event. Should you have any questions or comments about the broadcast or your participation in it, please visit


Dear counselors and mentors:

The U.S. Department of Education's Federal Student Aid (FSA) office is pleased to announce the Annual Federal Student Aid Training for Counselors and Mentors, a satellite broadcast for high school, TRIO, and GEAR UP counselors and other mentors helping students prepare for postsecondary education.

When is the broadcast?

We will present this live program free of charge on Thursday, December 9, 2004, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

What will the program cover?

The program will consist of two segments, one for students and one for counselors.

The student segment, approximately an hour in length, will feature an introduction to the FSA programs, an overview of the application process, and a discussion of how students can use Student Aid on the Web, our interactive information and planning site for students. We encourage you to invite students to watch this part of the program with you.

After the student segment, there will be a short break during which your students may leave your viewing location. The second segment will be aimed specifically at counselors and mentors and will include detailed discussions of the publications, web sites, and networking resources available to help you help your students.

During the videoconference, we will provide a toll-free number so you can call with questions, or you can fax or e-mail your questions. We will have subject-matter experts on hand to respond.

What viewing options are available?

You may watch the live broadcast via satellite or join us online through the technology of webcasting. Please use the Internet URL at the bottom of this announcement to find program information including satellite coordinates, instructions on how to register your school as a host site, and how to find a host site in your area.

Is my school allowed to record this videoconference for later viewing?

Yes, please feel free to videotape this program. In fact, we especially recommend you videotape the student segment for later use in financial aid information programs.

What if I have other commitments on December 9?

Approximately three weeks after the live program, a limited number of videotapes of the program will be available to borrow from ED Pubs, our publication warehouse. At that time, you may borrow a tape by calling 1-877-4-ED-PUBS (toll free) or ordering online at

We hope you will join us for this important update on the FSA programs.


Please go to our official information and registration site and find out more about the Annual Federal Student Aid Training for Counselors and Mentors: