Publication Date: September 9, 2004
Author: General Manager, Students Channel, FSA ASEDS
Summary: Availability of Return of Title IV Funds for Windows Service Release, Version 1.1.2
Posted on 09-09-2004
TO: All Return of Title IV Funds PC Software UsersFROM: U.S. Department of Education
RE: Availability of Return of Title IV Funds for Windows Service Release, Version 1.1.2
The Department would like to announce the availability of Return of Title IV Funds for Windows, Version 1.1.2, a service release that resolves several software issues and adds enhancements to synchronize the PC software version with the upcoming Return of Title IV Funds on the Web.
Version 1.1.2 is an upgrade to Version 1.1 and service release Version 1.1.1. It is available on the Department's Federal Student Aid Download (FSAdownload) Web site, located at
You must already have Version 1.1 installed in order to install Version 1.1.2. Version 1.1 is also available for download from the FSAdownload Web site. If you did not install the Version 1.1.1 service release, you can proceed directly to installing Version 1.1.2, which includes all of the software enhancements and issue resolutions offered in Version 1.1.1.
The software issues resolved and enhancements added in Version 1.1.2 are listed below:
1) Student records with an "Amount for Student to Return" less than $25 for Pell Grant, FSEOG, or Other Title IV Grant Programs in Step 8 (page 3) of the R2T4 tab will not be added to the Students To Be Notified tab, accessible via View | Return Arrangements | Student Overpayment. If the amount of the Title IV Grant overpayment is $25 or more or any amount greater than $0 for the loan categories in Step 8, these amounts will be added to the Students To Be Notified tab.
2) The Payment Period or Period of Enrollment Start Date field can now be filled for clock hour School Calendar Profile codes in School Calendar Profile setup. This field is not required for clock hour School Calendar Profile codes.
3) You can now select the Payment Period or Period of Enrollment checkbox for credit hour School Calendar Profile codes in School Calendar Profile setup. In prior versions credit hour programs automatically defaulted to Payment Period as the basis for the calculation of Return of Title IV Funds for credit hour programs.
Reminder: Standard term institutions must always perform the return calculation on a payment period basis.
4) The software no longer generates an error when you select or define a Program Institutional Charge description of more than 20 characters in Step 5, Box G of the R2T4 tab (page 2). The length of an Institutional Charge description that can be displayed or entered is 20 characters or less.
5) When adding a new R2T4 student record, you can no longer manually enter a School Calendar Profile code for a different program year than the program year you selected when you created the record. Now only the School Calendar Profile codes created under the program year you have selected on the Add/Retrieve dialog box can be entered.
6) The software no longer prevents the deletion of an Institutional Charge code if the same code is used for more than one program year.
7) The amount displayed in Line Q of the Post-Withdrawal tab is now automatically recalculated when the amount in Line L changes.
8) Running the Verify Database utility no longer generates a database error if you have a Program Institutional Charge code assigned to a large number of student records.
Return of Title IV Funds, Version 1.1.2 is available on the FSAdownload Web site in two formats. You can download the entire software in one file, called R2T4V112.exe, or you can download the software in two separate "disk" installment files, which can be copied to a network drive or a folder on your PC.
You must have Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows ME or Windows XP as your PC workstation operating system in order to run Version 1.1.2.
The Version 1.1.2 installation will not perform any updates to your Return of Title IV Funds database (R2T4.mdb). The installation file only updates Return of Title IV Funds program files on the PC's hard drive.
If you are running Return of Title IV Funds in a network environment, you should run the Version 1.1.2 installation on ALL relevant production PCs, rebooting each PC as you finish the install.
If you receive a prompt during the installation indicating an existing file was found and asking if you want to overwrite it, click "Yes."
If you have any questions, please contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at