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Summary: 2003-2004 FAFSA Processing Deadlines

Publication Date: May 27, 2004

Author: General Manager, Students Channel, FSA ASEDS

Summary: 2003-2004 FAFSA Processing Deadlines

Posted on 05-27-2004

TO: Financial Aid Administrators
FROM: U.S. Department of Education
RE: 2003-2004 FAFSA Processing Deadlines
DATE: May 27, 2004

The U.S. Department of Education wants to remind all Title IV financial aid administrators of the approaching deadlines for the 2003-2004 application processing system, as reported in the Federal Register (Vol. 69, No. 47), published on March 10, 2004.

The deadline for all electronic transmissions is 11:59 p.m. Central Time on the deadline date. Details about each type of deadline are included below. Transmissions must be completed and accepted by 11:59 p.m. to meet the deadline. Transmissions that are started before 11:59 p.m. but are not completed until after 11:59 p.m. will not meet the deadline. Also, a transmission completed on or just prior to the deadline date that is rejected may not be reprocessed because the deadline will have passed by the time the user receives the error notification.

There will be no exceptions made to these deadlines by the Department of Education (the Department), including cases in which schools have awarded Pell Grants to students who do not have Pell-eligible ISIRs. COD will not accept a Pell disbursement record for a student who does not have a Pell-eligible ISIR. The Department advises financial aid administrators to submit electronic applications and corrections far enough in advance of the deadlines to allow for error notifications from the Central Processing System (CPS), if applicable, and to make any necessary adjustments to the submissions.

The 2003-2004 deadline dates for SCHOOLS are as follows:

** FAFSAs or renewal FAFSAs submitted by FAAs using FAA Access to CPS Online, or created using EDExpress or third-party software and transmitted through the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG), must be received and accepted by the CPS by 11:59 p.m. Central Time on June 30, 2004. **

** Electronic corrections, including requests for duplicate Student Aid Reports (SARs), submitted by FAAs using FAA Access to CPS Online, or created using EDExpress or third-party software and transmitted through the SAIG, must be received and accepted by the CPS by 11:59 p.m. Central Time, September 17, 2004. **

** Changes of students' mailing and e-mail addresses, changes of institutions, or requests for duplicate SARs, will be accepted by telephone by the Federal Student Aid Information Center (800/433-3243) until September 17, 2004. **

The 2003-2004 deadline dates for STUDENTS are as follows:

** Paper original FAFSAs or paper Renewal FAFSAs will be accepted until June 30, 2004 at the processor's post office address specified for each type of document. **

** FAFSAs or Renewal FAFSAs submitted by students using FAFSA on the Web or Renewal FAFSA on the Web must be transmitted and accepted by 11:59 p.m. Central Time on June 30, 2004. If paper signature pages or electronic signatures are required for FAFSAs or Renewal FAFSAs, signatures will be accepted until July 14, 2004. **

** Corrections with all required electronic signatures submitted by students using Corrections on the Web must be transmitted and accepted by 11:59 p.m. Central Time on September 17, 2004. **

** If parents' signatures are required for corrections made by students using Corrections on the Web, parents have until 11:59 p.m. Central Time on September 17, 2004 to submit their signatures electronically. **

** Corrections needing paper signatures must be transmitted and accepted by 11:59 p.m. Central Time on September 9, 2004, and the paper signature pages must be received at the processor's post office address no later than September 14, 2004. Since corrections will not be processed if the paper signature pages are not received before the deadline, students who need to submit paper signature pages should be encouraged to make corrections prior to the September 9th deadline. **

** Paper corrections, including changes of mailing and e-mail addresses, changes of institutions, or requests for duplicate SARs, must be received at the processor's post office address no later than September 6, 2004. **

** Changes of mailing and e-mail addresses, changes of institutions, or requests for duplicate SARs, will be accepted by telephone by the Federal Student Aid Information Center (800/433-3243) until September 17, 2004. **

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.