Publication Date: May 6, 2004
Author: General Manager, FSA Application, School Eligibility and Delivery Services
Summary: SAIG EDconnect 6.0
Posted on 05-06-2004
TO: All Destination Points
FROM: U.S. Department of Education
RE: SAIG EDconnect 6.0
DATE: May 6, 2004
A few of our EDconnect 6.0 users have made us aware of three issues in the new version of EDconnect 6.0. None of these issues affect the main functionality of the software to send and receive data correctly but we want you to be aware of them if you use the functions described below. We have provided a work around solution where applicable and in the next month or so we will be issuing a patch that you can install if any of these items affect you. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
1) Some of you are accustomed to EDconnect sequentially incrementing the extension number on file names, within each message class, with the next higher number. (i.e., *.dat, *.001, *.002, etc.). The 6.0 version of EDconnect is back filling extension numbers that are no longer being used.
2) For those of you who like to see the actual file size in your Activity Log View, the file size is showing as '0' for received files only. You may use Windows Explorer to view actual file size.
3) For those of you who create your own Transmission Queue (TQT) files from within EDconnect, the software is creating an invalid record length. Call CPS/SAIG Technical Support and we will make the proper adjustments to your TQT file and send it back to you. This does not affect templates supplied with the software or those created outside of it.
Currently, 1000 users have installed the new version of EDconnect 6.0 since its release on April 14th. We have received positive responses from you and we encourage you to continue installing the new version so you may benefit from the many enhancements and increased efficiency of the software.
If You Need Further InformationÂ…
You may reach CPS/SAIG Technical Support Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. (CT), at 800/330-5947 or email . You may also e-mail comments or suggestions to
CPS/SAIG Technical Support