Publication Date: March 05, 2004
Author: General Manager, Students Channel, FSA ASEDS
Summary: Availability of EDExpress for Windows 2004-2005, Release 2.0
Posted on 04-05-2004
TO: All Destination Points
FROM: U.S. Department of Education
RE: Availability of EDExpress for Windows 2004-2005, Release 2.0
The US Department of Education is pleased to announce the release of EDExpress for Windows 2004-2005, Release 2.0, on the Department's Federal Student Aid Download (FSAdownload) Web site (located at This release adds Pell and Direct Loan processing functionality for the 2004-2005 cycle.
In addition, the following EDExpress for Windows 2004-2005 documents are available on the FSAdownload Web site:
1) The EDExpress for Windows 2004-2005, Release 2.0 Cover Letter
2) The EDExpress for Windows 2004-2005, Release 2.0 Desk Reference (covers Pell and Direct Loan processing functionality)
These documents, along with the EDExpress for Windows 2004-2005 Installation Guide (also available on the FSAdownload Web site) contain important information regarding EDExpress functionality and enhancements that you should review.
Upgrading to Release 2.0 resolves several software issues that occurred in Release 1.0:
1) The Release 2.0 installation process loads Dynamic Link Library (DLL) files missing in the Release 1.0 installation that are needed to interface with the FAA Access to CPS Online Web site from within EDExpress. This issue only affected schools loading EDExpress on new PCs or existing PCs that did not have an earlier version of EDExpress loaded.
2) When entering an initial application via the interface between the EDExpress FAFSA tab and the FAA Access to CPS Online Web site, you no longer need to blank out the last six characters of a student SSN beginning with "888".
3) The import edit report for error files (EAPR05OP, CORE05OP and SIGA05OP) correctly prints the description of invalid content sent to CPS by the school.
4) Packaging ISIR import will use the logic designated in the Academic Year Profile associated with the import when assigning Enrollment Status values to Packaging records.
5) EDExpress Packaging, whether run from a student record or globally, no longer includes VA benefits when calculating remaining need for Subsidized loan awards.
Release 2.0 is available on the FSAdownload Web site in two formats. You can download the entire software in one file, called Express45r2.exe, or you can download the software in separate "disk" installment files, which can be copied to a network drive or diskettes. Please review the download and installation instructions in the Installation Guide for further information.
Important Installation Note: If you use Windows 2000 or Windows XP, you must be an Administrator on your workstation in order to install EDExpress for Windows 2004-2005, Release 2.0. This is a change from EDExpress for Windows 2003-2004. If you are not an Administrator, you will receive a warning when you try to install EDExpress. Once an Administrator has installed EDExpress, you can run it as a member of the Power Users group. If your database is on a network server, you must be a Power User or higher on the network (or "domain") as well as on your workstation. There are no workarounds for these Windows rights issues. Please consult with your school's technical department if you receive a warning that the software must be installed by an Administrator when you try to install EDExpress.
You are required to have Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows ME, or Windows XP as your PC workstation operating system in order to run Release 2.0. Other system and network requirements are outlined in the Installation Guide.
Release 2.0 can be installed as an upgrade to Release 1.0. You must have Release 1.0 installed in order to run an upgrade (or "Custom") installation of Release 2.0. Release 1.0 is also available for download from the FSAdownload Web site.
NOTE: If you have not installed Release 1.0 on your system, you can proceed directly to a Full standalone or Full network server/workstation installation of Release 2.0. You do not need to have Release 1.0 installed to perform a Full installation of Release 2.0. Please be aware, however, that a Full standalone or network server installation will load a completely new, blank 2004-2005 EDExpress database to your system.
If you are running a Custom installation of Release 2.0 and have previously installed Release 1.0, it is crucial that you ensure you have a valid, reliable back-up of your current production 2004-2005 EDExpress database (Expres45.mdb). You should also run a database repair and compact via the Tools | Utilities menu before installing Release 2.0.
To upgrade from Release 1.0 to Release 2.0, select either the Stand Alone Custom or Workstation Custom option during installation, depending on your EDExpress operating environment. Do NOT mark the "Database" checkbox unless you are performing a first-time installation or want to overwrite your Release 1.0 database. Remember, if you choose to overwrite your database, all data previously entered is lost.
After you upgrade from Release 1.0 to Release 2.0, reboot your PC, then log on to EDExpress to allow the software to perform a one-time only database update. This update loads important changes and fixes to your database structure.
If you are running EDExpress in a network environment, you should first complete ALL of your workstation installations on ALL relevant production PCs, rebooting each PC as you finish the install, then access the software from ONE designated workstation to allow the database update to perform successfully.
If you receive any prompts during the installation indicating an existing file was found and asking if you want to overwrite, click "Yes."
If you need assistance connecting to the FSAdownload site, downloading EDExpress in single or multiple file format, or with the installation or use of EDExpress, please contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at
If you have technical questions about our FSA systems and software, you may want to subscribe to our e-mail listserv, FSATECH. For more information about FSATECH, including how to subscribe, visit the FSA Technical Support Web site at