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Summary: Wanted!: Schools and Servicer Attendees for FAA Access to CPS Online Focus Group at 2004 Spring Conference

Publication Date: March 10, 2004

Author: General Manager| Students Channel| FSA ASEDS

Summary: Wanted!: Schools and Servicer Attendees for FAA Access to CPS Online Focus Group at 2004 Spring Conference

Posted on 03-10-2004

TO: All 2004 Spring Conference Attendees

FROM: U.S. Department of Education

RE: Wanted!: Schools and Servicer Attendees for FAA Access to CPS Online Focus Group at 2004 Spring Conference

The US Department of Education is seeking financial aid professionals from schools and servicers planning to attend the 2004 Spring Conference in New York City, NY this month for participation in an FAA Access to CPS Online Web site focus group.

We are excited to hear your opinions and issues regarding updates to the 2004-2005 FAA Access to CPS Online Web site and to gather your ideas for future enhancements to the site’s functionality and options.

The focus group will take place at the end of the day on March 30, 2004 at the Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers (the conference location).

If you would like to volunteer, please send an e-mail to by March 12, 2004 at 5 PM CT, with the following information:

1) Your full name and job title (Note: If a different member of your staff will be attending the focus group, please list that individual’s full name and job title as well)

2) Your School or Servicer Name and Location

3) Your e-mail address and Business Phone Number

4) Your arrival and departure date and time for the conference

Only the first 20 schools or servicers who respond to this invitation will be able to attend due to limited seating.

Please use the subject line “2004 Spring Conference – FAA Access Focus Group Volunteer” in your e-mail.

Volunteers selected to participate in the focus group will receive an e-mail with further information regarding the meeting location and other details no later than March 19, 2004.

Thank you in advance for your interest in participating in this focus group. Your suggestions and ideas help us to continuously improve our school application products and offer you the tools you need to administer financial aid programs.