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Summary: SAIG EDconnect 6.0

Publication Date: February 25, 2005

Author: General Manager| School Delivery Channel| FSA ASEDS

Summary: SAIG EDconnect 6.0

Posted on 02-25-2004

TO: All Destination Points
FROM: U.S. Department of Education
RE: SAIG EDconnect 6.0

This is the first communiqué from the Department of Education to inform you of the upcoming release of SAIG EDconnect version 6.0 software. EDconnect 6.0 is scheduled to be released in April 2004.

What's new in EDconnect Version 6.0?

1) Ability to modify the message class file path and combine feature in Message Class Manager will be restored.
2) The ability to import your prior security setup from the former database will be added.
3) Replace the Access 97 database with Access 2002. You do not need Access 2002 installed on your system to run Edconnect, unless you plan to open the database within the Access software.
4) Ability to bypass the security banner when using command lines and TQ Import to automate sending batch files.
5) The requirement for DUN/RAS will no longer be required if you are using a direct connection to the internet.
6) Transmission file size limit will be increased from 2GB to 4GB.
7) The "Archive View" will be renamed to "Received File View".
8) Remove the pop-up question "Do you want to save changes to your transmission queue?" The transmission queue will automatically be saved when exiting or transmitting files.
9) Remove the pop-up question "Do you want to overwrite files?" when installing the software. Previous EDconnect files are required to be overwritten for your upgrade or new installation to perform correctly.
10) We will be asking for volunteers to test EDconnect 6.0 prior to release. A pmesseage will be sent in the next few days with additional information regarding beta testing.

Look for more information to come in March.
If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this message, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via Email at CPSWAN@NCS.COM.
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