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Summary: Notice Regarding Minimum PC Requirements

Publication Date: December 12, 2003

Author: General Manager, School Delivery Channel, FSA ASEDS

Summary: Notice Regarding Minimum PC Requirements

Posted on 12-12-2003

Date: December 12, 2003
TO : Financial Aid Community
FROM: Jeff Baker
Chief, Policy Liaison & Implementation Staff, FSA
Subject: Notice Regarding Minimum PC Requirements:

We are aware that there may be some confusion in the community regarding proposed new minimum electronic standards for school participation in the Federal student aid programs. While it is our intent to formally publish new minimum desktop PC standards that schools must meet, we have not yet done so. We are currently in the process of finalizing a revised set of minimum PC requirements. Additional testing is being performed to ensure that the PC requirements are sufficient for our student aid systems when using Extensible Markup Language (XML) technology.

As with previous required minimum PC requirements, the new standards will be officially announced to the community with a substantial amount of lead-time for their adoption, thus acknowledging various budgetary schedules and cycles. We expect to make our announcement of the new standards within the next two to three months with an adoption date by schools of January 1, 2005.

We apologize for any concern that was created through a release of preliminary information that was repeated via various list-serves over the Internet. Our new PC minimum requirements will be officially communicated to the community as an electronic announcement via IFAP.

If you have any questions on this subject, please contact our Customer Service Call Center at (800) 433-7327 or send an email to