Maintained for Historical Purposes

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Summary: Availability of the 2004-2005 SAR/ISIR Comment Codes and Text Guide

Publication Date: November 14, 2003

Author: General Manager: FSA Students Channel

Summary: Availability of the 2004-2005 SAR/ISIR Comment Codes and Text Guide

Posted on 11-14-2003

TO: All Destination Points
FROM: U.S. Department of Education
RE: Availability of the 2004-2005 SAR/ISIR Comment Codes and Text Guide
DATE: November 14, 2003

The Department of Education is pleased to announce the posting of the 2004-2005 SAR/ISIR Comment Codes and Text reference guide on the Department's Federal Student Aid Download (FSAdownload) Web site, located at, and the Department's Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site, located at

The reference guide is designed as a stand-alone guide as well as a companion to the 2004-2005 EDE Technical Reference. It includes the 2004-2005 SAR Comment Text, the 2004-2005 SAR Acknowledgement Comment Text, and the 2004-2005 ISIR Comment Text.

To download the 2004-2005 SAR/ISIR Comment Codes and Text reference guide from FSAdownload:

1) Go to
2) Click on the "Technical References and Guides" link.
3) On the next page, click on the "2004-2005" link under the "SAR/ISIR Comment Codes and Text" heading.
4) To view and/or print the document, click the "PDF Format" link.
5) To save the document, click with your right mouse button on the "PDF Format" link and a pop-up menu will appear. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, select "Save Target As…" from the menu, then browse to the folder where you want to save the file. If you are using Netscape, select "Save Link As…" from the menu, then browse to the folder where you want to save the file.
6) Once you have saved the document, open it using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

To download this document from IFAP:

1) Go to
2) Look for the "OTHER VIEWS" heading on the left side of the page and click on the "Current Publications" link.
3) On the next page, locate the "SAR/ISIR Reference Materials" heading. A link to the "2004-2005 SAR/ISIR Comment Codes and Text" is available beneath the heading.
4) Click on the link to view and/or print the document.
5) To save the document, click with your right mouse button on the link and a pop-up menu will appear. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, select "Save Target As…" from the menu, then browse to the folder where you want to save the file. If you are using Netscape, select "Save Link As…" from the menu, then browse to the folder where you want to save the file.
6) Once you have saved the document, open it using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this document, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at