Maintained for Historical Purposes

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Summary: Tip for Avoiding a Common ISIR Correction Error

Publication Date: October 21, 2003

Author: General Manager: FSA Students Channel

Summary: Tip for Avoiding a Common ISIR Correction Error

Posted on 10-21-2003

TO: All Destination Points

FROM: Central Processing System (CPS)

RE: Tip for Avoiding a Common ISIR Correction Error

The Central Processing System (CPS) would like to provide a tip for avoiding errors when you correct a student’s or student’s parents’ Adjusted Gross Income, Income Tax Paid, and/or Exemptions Claimed fields to blank for the 2003-2004 processing cycle.

When corrections are received by the Central Processing System (CPS), they are checked for valid field content. Corrections that are submitted with invalid field content are rejected and returned as correction errors (CORE04OP). Corrections are NOT cross-referenced with existing ISIR data when the CPS checks the corrections for valid field content.

If you correct the Adjusted Gross Income, Income Tax Paid, and/or Exemptions Claimed fields to blank for either a student or the student’s parents and do not include Tax Filing Status = 3 (“Will not file”) as part of the correction record, the correction will be rejected.

Blank values for Adjusted Gross Income, Income Tax Paid, and Exemptions Claimed are invalid values UNLESS the student’s or parents’ Tax Filing Status = 3 (“Will not file”) is included in the correction record being submitted. It does not matter if Tax Filing Status = 3 on an existing ISIR in the CPS database.

EDExpress users can include the field in the correction record by clicking with the mouse in the Tax Return Filed field and selecting Process | Verify from the EDExpress main menu.

Users of third-party software may want to consult their software vendors to find out how to submit values in correction records without changing the values.

If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this message, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947, or via e-mail at CPSWAN@NCS.COM.