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Summary: Change to 2004-2005 Central Processing System (CPS) Message Classes

Publication Date: September 12, 2003

Author: General Manager: FSA Students Channel

Summary: Change to 2004-2005 Central Processing System (CPS) Message Classes

Posted on 09-12-2003

TO: All Destination Points
FROM: General Manager - FSA Students Channel
SUBJECT: Change to 2004-2005 Central Processing System (CPS) Message Classes
DATE: September 12, 2003

Federal Student Aid (FSA) has received significant input from users of Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) data regarding the changes to the 2004-2005 ISIR message classes that we announced earlier this summer. While it is necessary to modify the message classes in order to implement the ISIR Datamart described below, many users have indicated a need to receive their ISIR records in message classes that identify records resulting from applications or corrections submitted by the school. Therefore, we are making the following changes to 2004-2005 ISIR message classes. CPS will continue to post processed data files to your Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) mailboxes, but the message classes we use for the 2004-2005 processing cycle will be different than those being used in 2003-2004.

** Background **

We are making changes to the 2004-2005 message classes in order to implement an ISIR Datamart on January 1, 2004. The message class changes will affect 2004-2005 ISIRs and beyond, but will not affect the message class system for 2003-2004 ISIRs.

When implemented, the new ISIR Datamart will store all 2004-2005 ISIR transaction data generated by the CPS for distribution to and retrieval by schools, state agencies, and other authorized users. Users of ISIR data will have the option to continue to receive ISIRs through SAIG as they currently do, or they can elect to go to FAA Access to CPS Online and request ISIRs from the datamart based on query criteria. Users who elect to continue to receive SAIG daily ISIRs also have the option to request ISIRs from the datamart if they wish.

In addition to daily and requested ISIRs, some ISIRs will be distributed (or "pushed") to schools whether they were requested or not. If your school code is listed on a "pushed" transaction, you will receive an ISIR for the student under the separate message class. This separate message class will include: (1) transactions where the EFC has changed from the previous transaction, (2) transactions where the SAR C Flag has changed between transactions, and (3) all System-Generated transactions (NSLDS postscreening, DHS Secondary Confirmation, and reprocessed ISIRs).

You will need to review all ISIRs received under this message class and assess any potential impact to the students' aid eligibility.

** New Message Classes **

In 2004-2005, we will distribute ISIR data to your SAIG mailboxes using the following message classes:

ISIR Type Message Class Description
Daily IDAP05OP Daily ISIRs that are the result of Application records submitted by the school (currently sent in EAPS message class)
IDCO05OP Daily ISIRs that are the result of Correction records submitted by the school (currently sent in CORR message class)
IDSA05OP Daily ISIRs that are generated for all schools listed on the record (currently sent in SARA message class)
IDRE05OP Daily ISIRs for State Agency residents
IDNR05OP Daily ISIRs for State Agency non-residents
CPS Pushed IGCO05OP CPS Pushed ISIRs that are the result of Correction records submitted by the school (currently sent in CORR and SYSG message classes)
IGSA05OP CPS Pushed ISIRs that are generated for all schools listed on the record (currently sent in SARA and SYSG message classes)
IGRE05OP CPS Pushed ISIRs for State Agency residents
IGNR05OP CPS Pushed ISIRs for State Agency nonresidents
Requested ISRF05OP ISIRs requested directly from the ISIR Datamart
Errors EAPR05OP Error records from processing of Application data
CORE05OP Error records from processing of Correction data
SIGA05OP Error records from processing of Signature Records

** Additional 2004-2005 ISIR Data Information **

In addition to the message classes, the following 2004-2005 ISIR field positions can also be analyzed to identify the original source and background on the ISIR data you have received:

1) Positions 535 and 536 (Transaction Data Source/Type) provide codes for who generated the transaction and what type of data was processed. For example, a value of "1A" in positions 535 and 536 will indicate that the ISIR transaction resulted from an electronically filed FAFSA (a value of "1" indicates an electronic filing and a value of "A" indicates an initial application).

2) Position 1730 (Electronic Federal School Code Indicator) tells which position of the 6 school codes listed initiated the transaction. For example, if your school is the first school code listed on the ISIR transaction, but the Electronic Federal School Code Indicator has a value of "2", you will know the second school code listed on the transaction initiated the transaction.

3) Position 1731 provides a value for the ISIR Electronic Transaction Indicator (ETI), a new field for 2004-2005. For example, an ETI value of "0" indicates your school originated the transaction and are receiving the transaction as a daily ISIR, whereas a value of "1" indicates another school was the originator and you are receiving the transaction as a daily ISIR because your school was listed on the transaction in one of the six school code positions.

4) Positions 1732-1737 indicate Multi-School Flags. The use of these fields has changed for 2004-2005; they will now indicate the school codes that will receive this ISIR transaction and identify which school originated the transaction. The appropriate ETI flag will be listed in your school code's position.

5) Positions 455-460 (Federal School Code #1), 462-467 (Federal School Code #2), 469-474 (Federal School Code #3), 476-481 (Federal School Code #4), 483-488 (Federal School Code #5), and 490-495 (Federal School Code #6) list the school code(s) on a student's record.

** Future Updates **

We are alerting you to the major message class changes explained in this message in advance so you can begin to make any necessary changes to your systems and procedures well in advance of the start of 2004-2005 application processing cycle.

Later this fall, we will provide more details on IFAP and FSADownload about the new ISIR Datamart, including instructions on enrolling through the Participation Management System to request ISIRs from the datamart.

We will also provide a final draft of the 2004-2005 EDE Technical Reference for use by your technical staff. An early draft of the Record Layouts and ISIR Cross Reference sections of the 2004-2005 EDE Technical Reference are currently available for download on the FSAdownload Web site.

If you have any questions, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at CPSWAN@NCS.COM.