Publication Date: September 5, 2003
Author: General Manager: FSA Schools Channel
Summary:The COD Daily Processing Updates
Posted on 09-05-2003
Author: General Manager: FSA Schools Channel
Summary: The COD Daily Processing Updates
To: The Financial Aid Community
From: General Manager, School Channel, FSA
Re: Daily Common Origination and Disbursement System (COD) Processing Updates
Do you want to know what is going on at COD right now? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could see all the COD System issues in one place? What if you could access this information whenever you wanted to, from any web-enabled computer at your convenience?
Stop wishing, there is such a place! The COD Processing Update is your link to what is happening in COD.
What is the COD Processing Update?
The COD Processing Update is a document published by the COD School Relations Center in Niagara Falls, NY. The updates are available in two versions: one that contains processing information for Direct Loan and Pell Grants, or one that provides updates for Pell Grants only. Both are available on the COD web site and updated each business day by noon.
What kind of information does the COD Processing Update contain?
The COD Processing Update is divided into three different sections: COD News, Resolved Issues, and Current Issues.
§ COD News contains helpful hints, announcements about outages, information about upcoming trainings, and links to recent announcements. Items remain in this section for one week.
§ Resolved Issues contains any issues that have resolved within the past week. This section will contain vital information about any clean up action that is being taken by COD or is needed by the schools.
§ Current Issues includes any recently discovered issues that impact a number of schools. A description of the issue will be included along with any timeframes for resolution, if available. Items remain in this section until they are considered resolved.
Where can I find the COD Processing Update?
The COD Processing Update is available on the COD web site at You can access the document without logging in to the site or after you have logged in.
§ To access the document before you login to the web site, click on the link titled “Click here if you are a school looking for updates on Common Origination and Disbursement”.
- To access the document after you login to the web site, click on the link at the bottom of the page titled “Today’s Updates”.
The updates are listed as “Direct Loan and Pell Processing Updates” or “Pell Processing Updates”. By clicking on the link of your choice you can choose to download the file to your computer and save it, or open and view it.
COD web site messages and other electronic communications will continue as in the past. If you do not currently have a user id and password to the COD web site, please see the posting on IFAP for additional information:
If you have any questions regarding this announcement or COD, please contact the COD School Relations Center at 1-800-4PGRANT for Pell Grants, 1-800-848-0978 for Direct Loans, or email