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Summary: Issue Alert: Pell Disbursement Profile Codes May Overwrite Accepted Disbursement Records

Publication Date: July 25, 2003

Author: General Manager: FSA Students Channel

Summary: Issue Alert: Pell Disbursement Profile Codes May Overwrite Accepted Disbursement Records

Posted on 07-25-2003

TO: All 2003-2004 EDExpress Pell Users

FROM: CPS/WAN Technical Support

RE: Issue Alert: Pell Disbursement Profile Codes May Overwrite Accepted Disbursement Records

CPS/WAN Technical Support would like to alert users of the 2003-2004 EDExpress Version 9.1 Pell module of an issue affecting the assignment of a Pell Disbursement Profile Code to a Pell record that already has at least one Pell Disbursement accepted by the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) system.

** Issue Background **

Pell Disbursement Profile Codes are a new, optional feature for 2003-2004 EDExpress users. When added to a Pell Origination record, a Disbursement Profile Code will create "Edit Only" Pell Disbursement records (also referred to as "estimated" or "anticipated" disbursements) based on the Disbursement Dates defined in the setup of the code you select. Using Disbursement Profile Codes reduces manual entry of Disbursement data. They can be added to records in several different ways including Pell ISIR Import (if Packaging Data is included), and via Pell Multiple Entry as well as manually on the Origination screen.

** Software Issue **

If you save a new Pell Disbursement Code on the Pell Grant tab of a student record that has at least one Pell Disbursement record accepted by COD, the software will overwrite the accepted Pell Disbursement record (and any subsequent Edit Only Pell Disbursement records) with new Pell Disbursements.

If this occurs, all Pell Disbursements, including the previously accepted record and its processed results, will be reset to a Pell Edit Only Disbursement status in the software, with a Disbursement Release Indicator (DRI) set to unchecked (e.g. "False.")

Do NOT modify the Disbursement Profile Code on a student’s Pell record if you have submitted any Pell Disbursements to COD for the student with the DRI set to "True."

If you encounter this software issue, please plan to request a Pell Year-To-Date (YTD) file from COD when the YTD becomes available this fall, and use the YTD file to rebuild the affected record(s) in EDExpress.

We regret any inconvenience this issue may have caused you. If you have any questions regarding this message, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at CPSWAN@NCS.COM.