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Summary: RFMS Shutdown and Conversion to COD

Publication Date: July 1, 2003

Author: General Manager: FSA Schools Channel

Summary: RFMS Shutdown and Conversion to COD

Posted on 07-01-2003

TO: All Destination Points

FROM: The Federal Pell Grant Program

RE: RFMS Shutdown and Conversion to COD

The Federal PellGrant Program is in the process of converting student level andbatch level data from RFMS to the Common Origination andDisbursement (COD) System. This will include data from AwardYears 1999-2000, 2000-2001, and 2001-2002. It will no longer benecessary to maintain two passwords to access data from twodifferent systems and web pages. All the data from 1999-2000 tothe present will be available on

In order toensure a smooth transition, we ask that all data requests, postdeadline batches on the web, and batch submissions to RFMS bedone no later than July 25, 2003 or hold the submission until thedata conversion is completed in Mid-August. On July 31, 2003 RFMSwill stop processing and the www.pellgrantsonline.ed.govwill no longer beavailable for entry of data requests and post deadline entry onthe web, however the Web site will be available with read-onlyaccess until COD completes the data conversion. Please note thattransactions received after July 25th and before July31st may not return an ESOA. Completing the dataconversion will take an interval of approximately 3 weeks, duringwhich, no data requests or batch submissions for the 1999-2000through 2001-2002 award years will be processed. Schools may sendrequests and batches electronically but they will not beprocessed until the conversion is completed. An announcement willbe made on IFAP at the conclusion of the conversion.

Questions aboutthe shutdown and conversion of data can be answered by calling1-800-474-7268 or by e-mailing