Publication Date: June 6, 2003
Author: General Manager: FSA Students Channel
Summary: Reminder about ISIR Correction Export Issue Affecting EDExpress Version 9.1
Posted on 06-06-2003
TO: All EDExpress Version 9.1 Users
FROM: CPS/WAN Technical Support
RE: Reminder about ISIR Correction Export Issue Affecting EDExpress Version 9.1
CPS/WAN Technical Support would like to remind users of EDExpress, Version 9.1, of an issue affecting correction batches containing more than 12 corrections to any individual student’s ISIR. In the trailer record, these batches contain an incorrect count of the number of students in the batch, causing the batches to be rejected by the Central Processing System (CPS). CPS is returning CORE04OP files with the error message, "TRAILER N-COUNT NOT EQUAL TO ACTUAL COUNT."
You can avoid this processing error and continue to make corrections to multiple students’ ISIRs via EDExpress Version 9.1 as long as you make 12 or fewer corrections to any individual student’s ISIR.
A permanent fix for the issue is under consideration. If a fix is implemented, a message will be sent out to the financial aid community.
To determine if you have had correction batches rejected for this or any other reason, open EDExpress Version 9.1 and go to File | Import | App Express. Choose "Errors (FDR, EAPR, CORE, SIGA, FDRU)" as the import type. Rejected corrections are returned in the CORE04OP message class.
There are several workarounds for the issue.
To avoid the issue in the future, if you need to make more than 12 corrections to any individual student’s ISIR, we recommend using FAA Access to CPS Online ( A link to the site is provided on the EDExpress Version 9.1 "View" menu. If you do not currently have access to the site, the Destination Point Administrator (DPA) of the TG number that currently receives your school’s ISIR data can enroll you by going to the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) Enrollment Site ( and choosing "FAA Administration." Since no signature pages are required, access to the FAA Access to CPS Online site is usually available the day after you are enrolled.
If you would like to use FAA Access to CPS Online to fix problems with batches you have already sent that were rejected, it will only be necessary to correct those students in the original batch who had more than 12 corrections made to their ISIRs. You can reset the records of the other students in the original batch to "R" status (Ready to Send) on Page 3 of the SAR/ISIR tab, lower left, in EDExpress Version 9.1 and export them again.
If you do not know which students were in the rejected batch, you can print a list of entered correction records by batch number, using the batch number in the CORE04OP file that was returned to you. This will identify the records in the batch and display a list of the SAR fields that were corrected for each student.
If you prefer to use EDExpress Version 9.1 for making more than 12 corrections to any individual student’s ISIR, you will need to make 12 corrections to the ISIR, export the corrections, and wait for the corrected ISIR to be returned to you before making additional corrections. Do not exceed 12 corrections to any individual ISIR at a time. To avoid end-of-entry edits on the SAR/ISIR tab that might force you to exceed 12 field corrections at a time, you may wish to make the corrections using EDExpress’ Quick Correction feature, which you can access by choosing Process | Quick Correction from the main menu.
For assistance resolving problems with correction batches you have sent that were rejected, or any other problems associated with this message, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at CPSWAN@NCS.COM.