Publication Date: May 14, 2003
Author: General Manager: FSA Students Channel
Summary: Eliminating "Missing Entity ID" Start-up Message In EDExpress Version 9.1
Posted on 05-14-2003
TO: All EDExpress Users
FROM: CPS/WAN Technical Support
RE: Eliminating "Missing Entity ID" Start-up Message In EDExpress Version 9.1�
Schools that use only one of the modules of the recently released 2003-2004 EDExpress Version 9.1 may encounter a start-up message when logging into the software indicating Entity ID information has not been established for the unused module.
To eliminate the start-up message, populate setup screens for the module you are NOT using with artificial school identifier information. This is a simple process and does not require participation in the program for which you are establishing an artificial setup.
If you only use the Pell module, create an artificial school profile in Global setup, then fill in the Direct Loan System and School setup screens:
1) Go to Tools | Setup | Global | School and click "Add."
2) Type in G00000 for School Code, fill in the remaining fields with artificial data (you may use your own school information if you prefer), mark the "Direct Loan Participant" checkbox, and click "Save." Do not mark the "Assumed School" or "App Processing Participant" checkboxes.
3) Go to Tools | Setup | Direct Loan| School.
4) Click the "School" button and scroll down to the bottom of the list. Find the G00000 code you created in step #2, select the code, and click OK.
5) Enter any eight digit number as the Reporting Entity ID and Attended Campus Entity ID (such as 12345678). Select any Funding Method. Click "Save," then "OK."
6) Go to Tools | Setup | Direct Loan | System. Click the ellipsis (...) button to the right of "Direct Loan Assumed School Code." The G00000 from step # 2 will be listed for you to select, then click "OK." At the bottom of the screen, enter any eight-digit number in the "Source Entity ID" box (you can use the same number you entered in School setup, such as 12345678).
7) Click "Save," then "OK."
If you only use the Direct Loan module, you will need to create an artificial school profile in Global setup, then fill in the Pell System and School setup screens:
1) Go to Tools | Setup | Global | School and click "Add."
2) Type in 000000 for School Code, fill in the remaining fields with artificial data (you can use your own school information if you prefer), and click "Save." Do not mark the "Assumed School," "App Processing Participant," or "Direct Loan Participant" checkboxes.
3) Go to Tools | Setup | Pell | School. Click OK to the initial screen indicating you will be adding a Reporting Campus.
4) In the upper left corner of the Pell School setup screen, enter 000000 for the Pell ID under the Reporting Campus button. This will populate the School Information block (with the artificial data you entered in Global School setup) and the Attended Campus Pell ID.
5) Enter any eight digit number as the Reporting Entity ID and Attended Campus Entity ID (such as 12345678) in the upper left corner of the screen.
6) Enter random values for the remaining required fields (highlighted in yellow) on the screen, then click "Save," then "OK."
7) Go to Tools | Setup | Pell | System. Enter any eight-digit number in the "Source Entity ID" box (you can use the same number you entered in School setup, such as 12345678). Click "OK."
Remember that this is only a workaround for eliminating the Entity ID prompt for the module you do not use and does NOT sign you up for the Direct Loan or Pell program.
EDExpress Version 9.1, which adds the Pell and Direct Loan modules for 2003-2004, is available for download from the Department's Federal Student Aid Download (FSAdownload) Web site, located at
If you have any questions about EDExpress, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at
To use EDExpress Version 9.1 to process Pell and/or Direct Loan data, you must notify COD that your school will be a Full Participant by completing a letter as described in the IFAP posting at the following website:
If you have any questions about COD, please contact the COD School Relations Center at 800/4PGRANT for Pell Grants or 800/848-0978 for Direct Loans. You may also e-mail COD Customer Service at: