Publication Date: May 7, 2003
Author: General Manager: FSA Students Channel
Summary: Using your COD Routing ID in 2003-2004 EDExpress Pell and Direct Loan Setup
Posted on 05-07-2003
TO: All EDExpress Pell and Direct Loan Users
FROM: U.S. Department of Education, Federal Student Aid
RE: Using your COD Routing ID in 2003-2004 EDExpress Pell and Direct Loan Setup
NOTE: This is the third in a series of network messages you will be receiving from Federal Student Aid (FSA) over the next few months regarding using EDExpress to process Pell and Direct Loan records via the new Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) system.
Schools planning to process Pell and/or Direct Loan data via 2003-2004 EDExpress Version 9.1 must enroll with COD as a Full Participant for the applicable program(s). Please see the instructions at the end of this letter about how to enroll with COD as a Full Participant if you have not yet done so.
When the enrollment process is complete, you will start using the COD assigned identifier known as a “Routing ID”. The Routing ID, an eight-character numeric key, renames the Common School Identifier (CSID) or COD ID that had been referred to in 2002-2003. The values in the key do not signify any information about your school except its identity on the COD system. If you have multiple campuses associated with your school you may have more than one Routing ID assigned to you by COD. COD establishes all of your schools’ reporting/attending relationships in their system during your enrollment as a Full Participant.
The Routing ID(s) provided to you by COD is required to populate “Entity ID” fields that have been added to the Pell and Direct Loan setup screens in EDExpress Version 9.1. Populating the Entity ID fields correctly is crucial in ensuring Pell and Direct Loan data exported to COD via Version 9.1 can be identified and processed accurately.
Once you have enrolled with COD as a Full Participant for the Pell and/or Direct Loan program(s), you will need to acquire your Routing/Entity ID(s) from the COD Web site ( For information on obtaining a User name and Password to access the COD Web site, please refer to the IFAP posting at: Third party servicers and vendors should visit:
The following Entity ID fields have been added to Pell and Direct Loan setup in Version 9.1 and should be populated appropriately:
Source Entity ID
· The Source Entity ID is the Routing ID of the school/organization that physically sends or transmits Pell and/or Direct Loan data in the Common Record format to COD. The sender can be either a school or third party servicer. This is the Routing ID of the school who is associated with the SAIG Destination point.
· In EDExpress: Use the Routing ID to populate the Source Entity ID field on the System Setup screen for Pell and/or Direct Loan (via Tools | Setup). NOTE: If you are a third party servicer you should also mark the “Third Party Servicer?” checkbox on the System Setup screen for Pell and/or Direct Loan.
Reporting Entity ID
· The Reporting Entity ID is the Routing ID of the school that reports the Pell and/or Direct Loan data in the COD Common Record format for the campuses or students it serves. The Reporting School Entity ID must be a school and cannot be a third party servicer. For Pell it is equal to the Reporting Pell ID that was placed in their Grant Batch Header record's Batch ID. For Direct Loans, this is the Routing ID of the school whose DL Code was included in the Direct Loan Header record on fixed-length (legacy) records in past years.
· In EDExpress, you will use the Routing ID as the Reporting Entity ID on the Pell and Direct Loan School Setup screens. For Pell, the Reporting Entity ID can be found directly below the Reporting Campus Code on the School Setup screen (via Tools | Setup | Pell). For Direct Loan, you will enter the Reporting Entity ID on the grid that appears when you click on Tools | Setup | Direct Loan.
Attended Entity ID
· For Pell, the Attended Entity ID is the Routing ID of the school or campus where the student attends class if that campus or location is separately eligible. If the campus or location is not separately eligible, then the Reporting School Entity ID must also be used in the Attended School Entity ID field. The Attended School Entity ID must be equal to the Reporting School Entity ID or must have an established relationship to the Reporting School Entity ID.
· For Direct Loans, the Attended Entity ID is the Routing ID of the school whose DL Code was included in the individual records on fixed-length (legacy) loan records in past years. Schools that report data for multiple campuses or locations will need the Routing IDs of these locations in order to properly populate this field in EDExpress Direct Loan setup.
· In EDExpress: For Pell, the Attended Entity ID can be found directly below the Attended Campus Code on the School Setup screen (via Tools | Setup | Pell). For Direct Loan, you will enter the Attended Entity ID on the grid that appears when you click on Tools | Setup | Direct Loan.
It is entirely possible that you will use the same Routing ID for all three Entity IDs in your school’s EDExpress Pell and/or Direct Loan setup. For example, schools that do not have their own unique Pell IDs (due to an attended campus relationship with a main campus) would use the main campus Entity ID in both Reporting and Attended fields in EDExpress setup. This main campus may be a reporting campus in its own right or may be an attended campus of another school. Another example would be a school whose source, reported and attended relationship is for only one school.
Note: The “Destination Entity ID” referenced in the COD Welcome Letter is not a field EDExpress users need to populate or be concerned about. The software’s COD Export process (for the Pell and Direct Loan modules) will automatically populate this field in export files.
EDExpress Version 9.1 is now available for download from the Department’s Federal Student Aid Download (FSAdownload) Web site, located at
If you have any questions about EDExpress, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at
You must notify COD that your school will be a Full Participant by completing a letter as described in the IFAP posting at the following website:
If you have any questions about COD, please contact the COD School Relations Center at 800/4PGRANT for Pell Grants or 800/848-0978 for Direct Loans. You may also email COD Customer Service at: