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Summary: CPS Reprocessing of 2003-2004 ISIRs Sent with Blank Selective Service Match Flags and Selective Service Registration Flags

Publication Date: May 5, 2003

Author: General Manager: FSA Students Channel

Summary: CPS Reprocessing of 2003-2004 ISIRs Sent with Blank Selective Service Match Flags and Selective Service Registration Flags

Posted on 05-05-2003

TO: All Destination Points

FROM: Central Processing System (CPS)

RE: CPS Reprocessing of 2003-2004 ISIRs Sent with Blank Selective Service Match Flags and Selective Service Registration Flags

The Central Processing System (CPS) has identified an issue that affected records sent to the CPS for processing on April 18, resulting in certain student records being returned with a blank value for the Selective Service Match Flag (position 626 of the ISIR record) or the Selective Service Registration Flag (position 627 of the ISIR record). CPS estimates the total number of records to be 24,225.

On May 6, CPS will reprocess the 2003-2004 transactions for students whose records were affected by the processing issue. Reprocessing the records will result in an updated Selective Service Match Flag or Selective Service Registration Flag on the students’ applications.

SARs or e-mail notifications will be sent to students. Reprocessed ISIRs will be sent to schools on May 6.

Reprocessed ISIRs can be identified by the following:

· Reprocessed Reason Code (ISIR field #268, positions 1670-1671) will equal “03”· System Generated Indicator (ISIR field #136, positions 602) will equal “Z”
· Comment Code 172 will be present in ISIR field #265
· System Generated message class SYSG04OP
· Batch Number #Y40000002003xxxx120000 will be present in ISIR field #116

If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this message, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at CPSWAN@NCS.COM.