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Summary: Processing Issue Affecting Certain 2003-2004 Paper FAFSAs, Paper Renewal FAFSAs, and Paper SAR Corrections

Publication Date: April 2003

Author: CPS | Central Processing System

Summary: Processing Issue Affecting Certain 2003-2004 Paper FAFSAs, Paper Renewal FAFSAs, and Paper SAR Corrections

Posted on 04-24-2003

TO: All Destination Points

FROM: U.S. Department of Education

RE: Processing Issue Affecting Certain 2003-2004 Paper FAFSAs, Paper Renewal FAFSAs, and Paper SAR Corrections

The Central Processing System (CPS) has identified an issue that resulted in a number of 2003-2004 paper submissions not being processed in a timely manner. The affected submissions include 5,221 paper Free Applications for Federal Student Aid (FAFSAs), 8,029 paper Renewal FAFSAs, 111 paper Student Aid Report (SAR) corrections. These submissions were received at the Department's processing center prior to March 7, 2003.

The records were identified and processed, and ISIRs from records not held for INS Secondary Confirmation were sent via the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) on Thursday, April 24. ISIRs from records held for INS Secondary Confirmation will be in batches generated on Friday, April 25, Monday, April 28, or Tuesday, April 29. All records will be sent under the message class SYSG04OP.

Each ISIR record, even those held for INS Secondary Confirmation, will have a Reprocessed Reason Code of "99" (ISIR field #268, positions 1670-1671) to allow you to identify them easily after you have imported them into EDExpress or your mainframe/3rd-party software system.

During the week of April 28, schools and state agencies will be sent electronic messages with student rosters containing the SSN, First, Middle, and Last Name, Receipt Date, Processed Date, and SAR/ISIR Transaction Number of the affected students listing their Federal School Code and whose ISIRs were sent to them. These messages can be downloaded and printed using the EDconnect software in the same manner as network messages. In addition, schools and state agencies will receive a letter with a paper copy of the student rosters.

Although the PROCESSED DATE on each affected ISIR will have an April 2003 date, the TRANSACTION RECEIPT DATE will contain the date the submission was originally received by the Department's processor.

All students affected by this processing issue will be sent a paper SAR and a cover letter explaining the processing issue. The processor will begin mailing the SARs and accompanying letters on Friday, April 25.

We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may cause you.