Maintained for Historical Purposes

This resource is being maintained for historical purposes only and is not currently applicable.

Summary: Number of Applications Received by School by Source for 2003-2004

Publication Date: April 22, 2003

Author: General Manager: FSA Students Channel

Summary: Number of Applications Received by School by Source for 2003-2004

Posted on 04-22-2003

TO: Financial Aid Administrators

FROM: Jennifer Douglas, General Manager
Students Channel, FSA

SUBJECT: Number of Applications Received by School by Source for 2003-2004

The attached report provides counts of FAFSAs received by the Central Processing System (CPS) for the 2003-04 processing cycle. The data is after 16 weeks of processing. The reports provide the number of applications received, by school. They are further broken down by the source of those applications, i.e., paper, electronic, or web. The reports are sorted by Federal School Code. The reports are posted in both Excel and PDF formats.

If you have questions, please contact the Customer Service Call Center at (800) 433-7327 between 9 am - 5 pm Eastern. Email questions can be sent to: .
