Maintained for Historical Purposes

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Summary: Clarification of Message #56: 03-04 Processing Requirements for Individual Batches Containing Applications or Corrections for More Than One School

Publication Date: April 16, 2003

Author: General Manager: FSA Schools Channel

Summary: Clarification of Message #56: 03-04 Processing Requirements for Individual Batches Containing Applications or Corrections for More Than One School

Posted on 04-16-2003

TO: All Destination Points
RE: Clarification of Message #56: 03-04 Processing Requirements for Individual Batches Containing Applications or Corrections for More Than One School
DATE: April 16, 2003

This message clarifies a network message (#56) posted on 4/9/03. It applies to users who create CPS data using third party/mainframe software. This does not apply to users of EDExpress.

The original message was correct for users who transmit data using EasyAccess Client on mainframe or midrange systems. If you use EDconnect to transmit data, the following apply:

Each batch of records must be a stand-alone file (i.e., records for one institution surrounded by the CPS Header and CPS Trailer). If you send a file to CPS containing multiple batches for more than one institution with only one transmission header and trailer (O*N05/O*N95), the file will be processed as one batch, using the batch number in the first CPS Header. This may generate rejected records. In addition, any batches returned to you will all have the same batch number as the batch number in the first CPS header.

EDconnect creates the network header (O*N05) and trailer (O*N95) for you. Do not add network headers and trailers to files being transmitted with EDconnect software.

If you have any questions regarding this message, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at CPSWAN@NCS.COM.