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Availability of EDExpress for Windows 2003-2004, Version 9.0.1 Service Release

Publication Date: March 21, 2003

Author: General Manager: FSA Students Channel

Availability of EDExpress for Windows 2003-2004, Version 9.0.1 Service Release


Posted on 03-21-2003

TO: All EDExpress 9.0 Users

FROM: U.S Department of Education

RE: Availability of EDExpress for Windows 2003-2004, Version 9.0.1 Service Release

The Department is pleased to announce the availability of EDExpress for Windows 2003-2004, Version 9.0.1 service release. This service release updates EDExpress, Version 9.0 with the final 2003-2004 Pell Payment Schedules.

NOTE: You must have Version 9.0 installed on your system prior to installing Version 9.0.1.

Version 9.0.1 can be downloaded from the Department's FSAdownload Web site, located at To download the service release:

1) Go to

2) Click on the "Software" link on the left side of the page.

3) Click on the "EDExpress 2003-2004 Version 9.0.1" link on the following page.

4) On the next page, look for the "Software" heading beneath "Service Release 9.0.1."

5) Click on the "9.0.1 Release Update" link below the "Software" heading.

6) If you are prompted by a File Download dialog to "Run this program from its current location" or "Save this program to disk," choose "Save this program to disk" and click the OK button to start the download.

7) Make a note of folder to which you are saving the file, which is displayed in the "Save in" field at the top of the "Save As" dialog.

After the download is complete, locate and double-click EDExpress901.exe. This will extract the necessary installation files and automatically launch the installer.

NOTE: We highly recommend you create a backup of your Version 9.0 database (expres34.mdb) prior to running the Version 9.0.1 installation on any of your workstations.

After you upgrade from Version 9.0 to Version 9.0.1, reboot your PC, then log on to EDExpress to allow the software to perform a one-time only database update. This update will make important changes to your database structure.

If you are running EDExpress in a network environment, you should first complete ALL of your workstation installations on ALL relevant production PCs, rebooting each PC as you finish the install, then access the software from one designated workstation to allow the database update to perform successfully.

If you see a message during the installation that certain files "have already been installed on your system," please choose "Yes to All" to overwrite the files. These are temporary installation files and overwriting them is necessary for EDExpress 9.0.1 to install correctly.

If you have any questions regarding this message, or need assistance with the downloading or installation of Version 9.0.1, please contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or via e-mail at CPSWAN@NCS.COM.