Maintained for Historical Purposes

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Summary: Correction to state education agency phone number in 2003-2004 Funding Your Education and The Student Guide

Publication Date: March 13, 2003

Author: General Manager: FSA Students Channel

Summary: Correction to state education agency phone number in 2003-2004 Funding Your Education and The Student Guide

Posted on 03-13-2003

TO: Financial Aid Professionals
FROM: Jennifer Douglas, General Manager, Students Channel
SUBJECT: Correction to state education agency phone number in 2003-2004 Funding Your Education and The Student Guide

Inside the back covers of The Student Guide and Funding Your Education (both 2002-03 and 2003-04), there are lists of state higher education agency phone numbers. The Georgia number should be changed to 1-800-776-6878. (The Braille versions of these publications are also incorrect; but the number is not mentioned in the audio versions.)

We have made this correction in our online versions of The Student Guide and Funding Your Education. Note that the upcoming Spanish hard copy version of The Student Guide will contain the correct information.

We apologize for this error.