Maintained for Historical Purposes

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(General) Summary: Print copies of the 2002-2003 Federal Student Aid Handbook.

Publication Date: February 2003

Author: General Manager: FSA Schools Channel

Summary: Print copies of the 2002-2003 Federal Student Aid Handbook.

Posted on 02-06-2003

TO: All Destination Points
FROM: U.S. Department of Education
Subject: Print copies of the 2002-2003 Federal Student Aid Handbook

Print copies of the 2002-2003 Federal Student Aid Handbook began shipping on February 5 to all participating schools via media mail. (PDF copies of the Handbook were posted to IFAP in October.) The Handbook will be shipped in three different sets:

1) the Application and Verification Guide and the Student Loan Guide,
2) Volumes 1-3 and 8-9, and
3) the campus-based volumes (to campus-based schools only).

For more information, see our "Publications and How to Order" Web page on the Schools Portal