Publication Date: December 13, 2002
Author: General Manager: FSA Schools Channel
Summary: Reporting of First Estimated First Disbursement Date
Posted on 12-13-2002
TO: All Destination Points
FROM Pell Processing
SUBJECT: Reporting of First Estimated First Disbursement Date
Provide guidance on the reporting of Estimated Disbursement Dates for Pell Originations for Phase In Participants
Provide guidance on the reporting of Enrollment Status for Pell Originations for Phase In Participants
Provide guidance on how to reduce the number of duplicate originations errors you may be receiving
Some schools may have experienced receipt of an edit code 331 "Duplicate Origination for Award Year 2002 and beyond" when attempting to update the Enrollment Status for one or more of the Estimated Disbursement Dates on the Origination record.
If a school submits a subsequent Pell Origination Record for a student that is already on file in an effort to update ONLY one or more Estimated Disbursement Date(s) or the Enrollment Status, COD will return an edit 331.� Enrollment Status and Estimated Disbursement Dates are not taken into consideration in the logic for our Duplicate Edit. If all fields on the Origination Record submitted are identical with what is already on file, with the exception of Enrollment Status and Estimated Disbursement Date(s) the record will be assumed to be a duplicate and the edit code 331 will be returned.
With the implementation of the Common Origination and Disbursement System (COD) for the 2002-2003 processing year, efforts were made to make the transition to the new system as seamless as possible for Phase-In Participants. Due to the nature of adopting a new processing architecture for the 2002-2003 yet continuing to maintain the use of record layouts intended for another processing platform, we have not always been able to meet that goal.
In COD, the Pell Phase In values reported for Enrollment Status and Estimated Disbursement Dates are returned to the schools on the Origination Acknowledgement records, but are not maintained in the manner they were under the RFMS system. These values are accommodated in a different fashion when using the Common Record. Full Participants will not experience this issue.
'Estimated Disbursement Date 1' will be the only Estimated Disbursement Date returned on Year to Date files. Estimated Disbursement Dates 2-15 are not held within the COD system for Phase In Participants.
If you have further questions, please contact COD Customer Support at 1800-4PGRANT (800-474-7268) or e-mail us at